New: Opere Brunetto Latino || Dante vivo || White Silence









Simone Martini, Museo Horne, Florence.
Copyright Editrice Giusti de Becocci S.R.L., Italy.

Julia Bolton Holloway, H.F., Ph.D.


Professor Emerita, Medieval Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder
Publisher and Printer, Editrice 'Aureo Anello'
Director, Biblioteca e Bottega Fioretta Mazzei , Piazzale Donatello 38, Florence
Custodian, The 'English Cemetery ' at the Porta a' Pinti, Piazzale Donatello 38, Florence
Editor, The Julian of Norwich Project; Facilitator, Oliveleaf Project
Webweaver, http://www.umilta.net/ http://www.florin.ms
Presidente, Aureo Anello Associazione Biblioteca e Bottega Fioretta Mazzei a Amici del Cimitero 'degli Inglesi'
Hermit of the Holy Family

Birthplace: London, England; Birthdate: 14 April 1937
Citizenship: British Subject, 1937-; United States, 1967-1992; European Citizen, 1992-
Children: +Richard, Colin, +Jonathan
Grandchildren: Akita, Caroline, Jasmine, Robin, Aurora, Rowan, Ashalena, Rubinia
Great grandchildren: Luke, Koden, Ardek, Rose Margaret

Languages (in descending order of competence): Italian, French, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, German
Travel Countries lived in: England, America, Italy; Countries visited: Scotland, Ireland, France, Mexico, Wales, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Greece, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Israel, Sinai, Iceland, Russia, Romania; Pilgrimages: Canterbury, Rome, Compostela, Jerusalem

Address: Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei', 'English Cemetery' Gatehouse, Piazzale Donatello 38, 50132 FIRENZE, ITALY
Telephone: (39) 055 582608 e-mail: juliananchoress@gmail.com

Index to Vita:
Degrees, Dissertation; Books; Articles; Reviews; Translations; Citations; Conferences, Seminars, Lectures, Exhibitions; Academia Bessarion; Conferences Organized; Books in Progress; Theatre Productions; Broadcasts;
Library Directorship; Publishing House; Websites; Weblogs; Recordings; Employment; Memberships; Courses Taught; Programmes Directed; Honours, Awards, Grants; References; Interests; Photograph

Degrees :
GCE 1953 St Mary's School, St Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex, England
BA 1957 San Jose State University, California: English, French; Great Distinction, Honors, English
MA 1967 University of California, Berkeley: English
PhD 1974 University of California, Berkeley: English (Comparative Literature, Medieval Studies)

: 'The Figure of the Pilgrim in Medieval Poetry.' Director: Professor Phillip W. Damon, English and Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley, 1974. Published as The Pilgrim and the Book: A Study of Dante, Langland and Chaucer, 1987, 1989, 1993.


Books (40)

Brunetto Latini. Il Tesoretto. Edition, Translation, Preface. New York: Garland, 1981. Garland Library of Medieval Literature, 2. Ed. James J. Wilhelm. xliii + 164 pp. Reviewed: Italica; Italianistica: Rivista di letteratura italiana; Speculum . ISBN 0-8240-9376-3. Archived, http://www.florin.ms/Tesorett.html
Held by British Library ; National Library of Scotland ; Senate House Library, University of London ; University of Liverpool Library. Library of Congress, Library of Congress

Brunetto Latini: An Analytic Bibliography. London: Grant and Cutler, 1986. Research Bibliographies and Checklists. Ed. Alan Deyermond. 153 pp. Reviewed: Italian Studies; Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie; Les Lettres Romanes; Romanische Forschungen. ISBN 0-7293-0216-4 or 84-599-1681-2. Obtainable from Boydell and Brewer

Held by British Library ; Chetham's Library ; Durham University Library ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ; Senate House Library, University of London ; The London Library ; Trinity College Dublin Library ; University of Bath Library ; University of Birmingham Libraries ; University of Bristol Libraries ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Edinburgh Libraries ; University of Leeds Library ; University of Leicester Library ; University of Oxford Libraries ; University of Sheffield Library ; University of St Andrews Library ; Warburg Institute Library

The Pilgrim and the Book: A Study of Dante, Langland and Chaucer. Berne, New York: Peter Lang, 1987. Second edition, 1989. xix + 321 pp. Third, revised, edition, 1993. xxii + 303 pp. Reviewed: Studies in the Age of Chaucer; Annali d'Italianistica; Speculum; Journal of Medieval Studies; Medium Aevum.  ISBN 0-8204-2090-5. Type-set by author in Nota Bene. Obtainable from Editrice 'Aureo Anello'

Held by
British Library ; Chetham's Library ; Queen's University Belfast ; Senate House Library, University of London ; UCL Library Services ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries ; University of St Andrews Library; National Library of Scotland ; University of Birmingham Libraries ; University of Bristol Libraries ; University of Cambridge Libraries; National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Library of Congress

Equally in God's Image: Women in the Middle Ages. Edited, Julia Bolton Holloway, Constance S. Wright and Joan Bechtold. Berne, New York: Peter Lang, 1990. xiii + 336 pp. Reviewed: Studies in the Age of Chaucer. Cited: Hans Küng, Christianity, pp. 439-445, 870. ISBN 0-8204-1517-0. Type-set by author in Nota Bene. Self-archived, http://www.umilta.net/equally.html

Held by
British Library ; King's College London Library ; Newcastle University Libraries ; Senate House Library, University of London ; Trinity College Dublin Library ; UCL Library Services ; University of Birmingham Libraries ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of East Anglia Library ; University of Leicester Library ; University of Manchester Library ; University of Oxford Libraries ; University of St Andrews Library ; University of York Libraries, Library of Congress

Birger Gregersson and Thomas Gascoigne. The Life of Saint Birgitta of Sweden. Translated from Middle English by Julia Bolton Holloway. Toronto: Peregrina Publishing Co., 1991. 64 pp. ISBN 0-920669-17-4

Held by National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ; Senate House Library, University of London ; University of Birmingham Libraries ; University of Bristol Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries ; Ushaw College

Saint Bride and Her Book: Birgitta of Sweden's Revelations Translated from Latin and Middle English with Introduction, Notes and Interpretative Essay. Focus Library of Medieval Women. Series Editor, Jane Chance. Newburyport: Focus Books, 1992. xv + 164 pp. ISBN 0-941051-18-8. Type-set by author in Nota Bene. Obtainable from Boydell and Brewer

Held by
British Library ; Cardiff University Libraries ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ; Queen Mary University of London Library ; Senate House Library, University of London ; Trinity College Dublin Library ; UCL Library Services ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Leeds Library ; University of Liverpool Library ; Warburg Institute Library ; York Minster;  Bishop Grosseteste University, Library of Congress

Eileen M. Bolton. Lichens for Vegetable Dyeing. Edited, Julia Bolton Holloway and Karen Leigh Casselman. McMinnville: Robin and Russ, 1992. 43 pp. ISBN 1-56659-001-9. Type-set by author in Nota Bene.

Held by British Library ; University of Bristol Libraries ; University of Southampton Library

Twice-Told Tales: Brunetto Latino and Dante Alighieri. New York: Peter Lang, 1993. xiv + 552 pp. Reviewed: Speculum; Parergon; Annali italianistica. ISBN 0-8204-1954-0. Type-set by author in Nota Bene. IN STOCK

Held by
Chetham's Library ; Queen Mary University of London Library ; Royal Holloway, University of London ; Senate House Library, University of London ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Edinburgh Libraries ; University of Exeter Library ; University of Glasgow Library ; University of Hull ; University of Manchester Library ; University of Oxford Libraries ; University of Reading Library ; University of St Andrews Library ; Warburg Institute Library, Twice-Told Tales

Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Aurora Leigh and Other Poems. Edited, John Robert Glorney Bolton and Julia Bolton Holloway. Harmondsworth: Penguin Classics, 1995. xx + 517 pp. Originally type-set by author in Nota Bene. ISBN 0-14-043412-7 IN STOCK

Held by Bangor University Library ; Birkbeck, University of London Library ; British Library ; Brunel University London Library ; Durham University Library ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ; Newcastle University Libraries ; Open University Library ; Oxford Brookes University ; Queen Margaret University Library ; Royal Holloway, University of London ; Senate House Library, University of London ; Sheffield Hallam University Library ; Trinity College Dublin Library ; University of Birmingham Libraries ; University of Bristol Libraries ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Dundee ; University of Edinburgh Libraries ; University of Essex ; University of Huddersfield Library ; University of Leicester Library ; University of Liverpool Library ; University of Manchester Library ; University of Nottingham Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries ; University of Portsmouth ; University of Southampton Library ; University of Surrey ; University of Wales Trinity Saint David ; University of Warwick Library ; University of York Libraries ; University of the Arts, London, Library of Congress

The Julian Library Portfolio. Florence: Julian Library Project, 1996-. Type-set by author in Nota Bene. Obtainable from Editrice 'Aureo Anello'
Held by
University of Oxford Libraries; British Library

Saint Bride and Her Book: Birgitta of Sweden's Revelations Translated from Latin and Middle English with Introduction, Notes and Interpretative Essay. Focus Library of Medieval Women. Series Editor, Jane Chance. xv + 164 pp. Republished, second time: Boydell and Brewer, 1997. Type-set by author in Nota Bene. ISBN 0-941051-18-8
Held by
Aberystwyth University Library ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ; Queen Mary University of London Library ; Senate House Library, University of London ; Trinity College Dublin Library ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Essex ; University of Leeds Library ; University of Oxford Libraries

Jerusalem: Essays on Pilgrimage and Literature. New York: AMS Press, 1998. [xii] + 278 pp. ISBN 0-404-64164-4. Type-set by author in Nota Bene.

Held by British Library ; Queen's University Belfast ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Leicester Library ; University of Nottingham Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries ; University of Reading Library ; University of York Libraries ; Warburg Institute Library, Library of Congress

Brunetto Latini. Il Tesoretto. Privately reprinted in different format, facsimile of manuscript, two volume, boxed set. Introduction, Franca Arduini, Forward, Francesco Mazzoni, Transcription, Julia Bolton Holloway. Florence: Le Lettere (Libreria Commissionaria Sansoni; Biblioteca Laurenziana), 2000. ISBN 88-7166-517-1. Type-set by author in Nota Bene. Self-archived, http://www.florin.ms/Tesorett.html

Saint Bride and Her Book: Birgitta of Sweden's Revelations. Translated from Latin and Middle English with Introduction, Notes and Interpretative Essay. Library of Medieval Women. Series Editor, Jane Chance. Boydell and Brewer, 2000. Type-set by author in Nota Bene. Revised, republished, third time. xvi + 151 pp. ISBN 0-85991-589-1

Held by University of Oxford Libraries; British Library

Tales within Tales: Apuleius through Time. Edited, Constance S. Wright and Julia Bolton Holloway. New York: AMS Press, 2000. ISBN 0-404-64252-7. Type-set by author in Nota Bene.

Held by British Library ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Liverpool Library ; University of Oxford Libraries ; Warburg Institute Library, Library of Congress

Don Divo Barsotti, C.F.D. La donna nel Vangelo. Translated, Julia Bolton Holloway. The Women in the Gospel. Fondazione Divo Barsotti, 2000. 

Julian of Norwich. Showing of Love: Extant Texts and Translation. Edited. Sister Anna Maria Reynolds, C.P. and Julia Bolton Holloway. Florence: SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2001. Biblioteche e Archivi 8. XIV + 848 pp. ISBN 88-8450-095-8. Type-set by author and Tony St Quintin in Nota Bene.

Held by
Durham Cathedral Library ; Durham University Library ; Lambeth Palace Library ; Queen Mary University of London Library ; Senate House Library, University of London ; University of Bristol Libraries ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of East Anglia Library ; University of Edinburgh Libraries ; University of Glasgow Library ; University of Leeds Library ; University of Oxford Libraries ; Victoria and Albert Museum libraries, Library of Congress

Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Aurora Leigh: Romanzo in versi. Trad. Bruna Dell'Agnese, ed. Julia Bolton Holloway, AD. Florence: Le Lettere (search 'Aurora Leigh'), 2002. ISBN 88-7166-665-8.

Julian of Norwich. Showing of Love. Translated, Julia Bolton Holloway. Collegeville: Liturgical Press; London; Darton, Longman and Todd, 2003. ISBN 0-8146-5169-0/ ISBN 023252503X. xxxiv + 133 pp. Index.

Held by British Library ; King's College London Library ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ; Trinity College Dublin Library ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries, Library of Congress


Beata Umilta: Sguardo sulla Santa Umiltà: Contemplating on Holy Humility. Julia Bolton Holloway. Trans. Fabrizio Vanni. Florence: Editoriale gli Arcipressi, 2004. Colour Plates of Pietro Lorenzetti's Altarpiece Panels. Pp. 32.

Held by University of East Anglia Library

'Colections' by an English Nun in Exile: Bibliothèque Mazarine 1202. Ed. Julia Bolton Holloway, Hermit of the Holy Family. Analecta Cartusiana 119:26. Eds. James Hogg, Alain Girard, Daniel Le Blévec. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 2006. Obtainable from info@musee-grande-chartreuse.fr

Held by
British Library ; Chetham's Library ; Durham University Library ; National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ; Senate House Library, University of London ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries

Mosaic. Originally written, 1956, 1962. Published at http://www.umilta.net/mosaic.html and http://www.umilta.net/mosaic2.html with Poems Pennyeach, originally written, 1956-1970, at http://www.umilta.net/poems.html and http://www.umilta.net/poemspennyeach.mp3

Hand-bound, limited edition books, portfolio (8):

Richard J. Schoeck. The Knight's Book. Holmhurst St. Mary: Prospero's Books, 1993.

Terence through Time. Ed. Julia Bolton Holloway. Holmhurst St Mary: Prospero's Books, 1994.

Rose Lloyds and George Harris. An English Rose. Illustrated, Gillian Riches. Holmhurst St Mary: Prospero's Books, 1994.

Julia Bolton Holloway. Julian of Norwich: Text and Context. On the (1368) Westminster Cathedral Manuscript: Its Relationshiop to the (1393) Paris Long Text and the (1413) British Library Short Text of Julian of Norwich's Showings. Holmhurst St Mary, 1995.

Julian Library Portfolio (30 booklets, type-set by author in Nota Bene.):

'Preface and Sampler '; 'Sacrament and Gospel '; ''Contemplating on Hebrew '; 'Julian's Mystic Philosophy: Augustine, Boethius, Dionysius, Gregory, Benedict, Dante '; 'Helena, Egeria, and Paula: The Bible and Women Pilgrims' ; 'Hilda and Caedmon: The Dream of the Rood '; 'The Most Ancient of St Gregory the Great by a Monk or Nun of Whitby '; 'La Beata Umiltà: Contemplating on Holy Humility '; 'Godfriends: The Continental Medieval Mystics '; 'The Mystics' Internet: Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich, Margery of Lynn, Francesca of Rome'; 'Henry Suso: Horologium Sapientiae 'Computer of Wisdom' '; 'Jan Van Ruusbroec, The Sparkling Stone '; 'Julian of Norwich: The Westminster Cathedral/Abbey Manuscript '; 'Anchoress and Cardinal: Textual Communities and Gendered Audiences '; The Soul a City: Margery and Julian '; 'A Julian-Related Manuscript in Norwich Castle '; Julian's Showings in a Nutshell: Her Manuscripts and Their Cultural Contexts' ; John of the Cross: If You Would be Perfect' ; 'Margaret Gascoigne/ Bridget More; Contemplating on Julian '; Dame Barbara Constable, O.S.B., and the Upholland Manuscript Julian's Showing Fragment'; 'Colections: An English Nun in Exile '; 'Mother Agnes Mason, C.H.F., Foundress, Community of the Holy Family '; 'Sacred Conversation: Contemplative Art '; 'Royal Priesthood: Theory into Practise '; 'The Lord's Prayer: Our Father: Julian of Norwich, Evelyn Underhill, Simone Weil, Edith Stein' ; 'Heavenwindow: Prayers for Contemplation '; 'The Sabbath a Bride: Christianity and Sexuality '; 'Tangled Tales' , etc. Holmhurst St Mary/ Montebeni, 1994-2000
Held by University of Oxford Libraries; British Library

Limited Editions, set in William Morris typeface (3), Order from Editrice 'Aureo Anello':

Julian of Norwich. Showing of Love, Westminster Manuscript. Florence: Editrice "Aureo Anello", 2003
Held by
University of East Anglia Library

Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Sonnets and Ballad. Florence: Editrice "Aureo Anello", 2004
Held by
British Library;  Chetham's Library

Julian on Prayer. Florence: Editrice "Aureo Anello", 2004

Francesco Dama. News from Nowhere: William Morris e l'arte tipografica. 2008

Anchoress and Cardinal: Julian of Norwich and Adam Easton OSB. Analecta Cartusiana 35:20 Spiritualität Heute und Gestern. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 2008. ISBN 978-3-902649-01-0. ix + 399 pp. Index. Plates. Type-set by author in Nota Bene. Obtainable from info@musee-grande-chartreuse.fr See http://analectacartusiana.blogspot.com/2008/10/nouvelle-parution.htmlISBN

Held by
British Library ; Durham University Library ; National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ; Senate House Library, University of London ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries

Teresa Morris. Julian of Norwich: A Comprehensive Bibliography and Handbook. Preface, Julia Bolton Holloway. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2010. x + 310 pp.  ISBN-13: 978-0-7734-3678-7; ISBN-10: 0-7734-3678-2. Maps. Index.

Held by British Library ; Cardiff University Libraries ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries, Library of Congress

Il pellegrino e il libro: Uno studio su Dante Alighieri. De strata francigena 20/1 (2012). Firenze: Centro Studi Romei. 191 pp. IN STOCK

Held by British School at Rome

White Silence: A Virtual Guidebook to Florence's Swiss-owned so-called 'English Cemetery. E-book. Florence, Aureo Anello Books, 2013.


Julian among the Books: Julian of Norwich's Theological Library. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. xxi + 328 pp. VII Plates, 59 Figures. ISBN (10): 1-4438-8894-X, ISBN (13) 978-1-4438-8894-3.

Held by
Aberystwyth University Library ; British Library ; Cardiff Metropolitan University ; Coventry University ; Durham University Library ; Liverpool John Moores University ; National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ; Open University Library ; Queen Margaret University Library ; SOAS Library, University of London ; Sheffield Hallam University Library ; Swansea University Libraries ; Trinity College Dublin Library ; University for the Creative Arts ; University of Bradford ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Huddersfield Library ; University of Leeds Library ; University of Leicester Library ; University of Liverpool Library ; University of Manchester Library ; University of Surrey ; University of Westminster ; University of York Libraries, Library of Congress

Eileen M. Bolton. Lichens for Vegetable Dyeing. Edited, Julia Bolton Holloway and Karen Leigh Casselman. Published on Website, http://www.umilta.net/LichenDyeingemb.html, 2016.

Held by British Library ; University of Bristol Libraries ; University of Southampton Library

Mary's Dowry; An Anthology of Pilgrim and Contemplative Writings/ La Dote di Maria:Antologie di Testi di Pellegrine e Contemplativi. Traduzione di Gabriella Del Lungo Camiciotto. Testo a fronte, inglese/italiano. Analecta Cartusiana 35:21 Spiritualität Heute und Gestern. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 2017. ISBN 978-3-903185-07-4. ix + 484 pp. IN STOCK 

Held by British Library ; Senate House Library, University of London ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries

Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Casa Guidi Windows/Le Finestre di Casa Guidi. Traduzione di Rosalynd Pio. Testa a fronte, inglese/italiano. Firenze: Aureo Anello Books, 2017.

Christine de Piza/ Cristina da Pizzano. Le Chemin de Longs Etudes/ Il Cammin di Lungo Studio. Traduzione di Ester Zago. Testo a fronte, francese/italiano. De Strata Francigena. A cura di Renato Stopani. Firenze: Centro Studi Romei, 2017. v + 128 pp.

“Brunetto Latino.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Medieval Studies. Ed. Paul E. Szarmach. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019

Held by University of Glasgow Library ; University of Manchester Library ; University of Reading Library ; University of York Libraries, Library of Congress

Frances Trollope. Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw. Preface, Julia Bolton Holloway. Illustrations, Auguste Hervieu, F.R.A. 469 pp. ISBN 9798615560989.

Il Cimitero Protestante a Firenze. Firenze: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze/ Aureo Anello Associoanzione, 2020. 280 pp. 100 copie.
con il DVD:

Bianco Silenzio: Guido Virtuale al Cimitero detto 'degli Inglesi' a Firenze/ White Silence: Virtual Guide to Florence's English Cemetery.  10.1 GB

Il Tesoro di Brunetto Latino, Maestro di Dante Alighieri, Il Tesoretto, Il Tesoro, Firenze: Regione Toscana, 2021. 428 pp.

with DVD

Le Opere di Brunetto Latino, Maestro di Dante Alighieri,
La Rettorica, Il Tesoretto, Il Tesoro, Scribi, Guido Cavalcanti, Dante Alighieri Franciscus de Barberino?. A cura di Julia Bolton Holloway, Saggi di Richard Mac Cracken, Nicolino Applauso, Renato Stopani, Alison Stones, Sonia Minutello, David Napolitano, trascrizione di Michele Amari, trad. di Rosalynd Pio, Firenze: Regione Toscana. MLA Seal, Scholarly Edition.

Oh Bella Libertà! Le Poesie di Elizabeth Barrett Browning. A cura di Rita Severi e Julia Bolton Holloway. Firenze: Le Lettere, 2022. 290 pp.

Dante and his Circle: Education, Script and Image. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. I
SBN 978-3-031-44092-2

La Firenze di Dante. Firenze: Centro Studi Romei, 2024

Thunders of White Silence: Florence's English Cemetery
. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024. ISBN 978-1-0364-1377-4

Articles, Chapters, Booklets (90)

'Famine without Fanfare'. Friends Journal (June, 1974), 328.

'I, John Maundeville Knight.' Tournaments Illuminated, 9 (1975), 25-35.

'Aurora Leigh and Jane Eyre .' Brontë Society Transactions, 17 (1977), 126-132.

'Princeton University: A New Course on World Hunger'. Ideas and Action. Roma: FAO, 118 (1976-7), 11.

'Dante's Commedia: Egyptian Spoils, Roman Jubilee, Florence's Patron.' Studies in Medieval Culture , 12 (1978), 97-104. Held by Warburg Institute Library

‘”Christ Fox in Leather Trews”: Journal Gleanings’. Friends Journal (June, 1978), 10-11.

'Haworth and The Waste Land. ' Yeats Eliot Review, 6 (1979), 22-23.

'Boyhood and Bodleian.' Oxford , 30 (1978), 38-46.

'Medieval Pilgrimage.' Approaches to Teaching Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Ed. Joseph Gibaldi. New York: Modern Language Association, 1980. Pp. 143-148.

'Speaking Truth to Power', Friends Journal (October, 1980), 3.

'Medieval Liturgical Drama, the Commedia, Piers Plowman and The Canterbury Tales. American Benedictine Review, 32 (1981), 114-121.

'Semus Sumus: Joyce and Pilgrimage.' Thought, 56 (1981), 212-225. Republished in Jerusalem: Essays on Pilgrimage and Literature, 1998, pp. 217-242.

'Not Babilon, nor great Alcairo.' Milton Quarterly, 15 (1981), 92-94.

'Monks and Plays.' Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching (SMART/RALPH) 10 (1983), 10-12.

'Death and the Emperor in Dante, Browning, Dickinson and Stevens.' Studies in Medievalism, 2:3 (1983), 67-72.

'Feminist Gandhi.' Gandhi in the Postmodern Age: Issues in War and Peace. Ed. Sanford Krolick, Betty Cannon. Golden: Colorado School of Mines Press, 1984. Pp. 61-64.

'The 'Dream of the Rood' and Liturgical Drama.' Comparative Drama, 18 (1984), 19-37. Republished in Drama in the Middle Ages, Second Series, ed. Clifford Davidson and John H. Stroupe, New York: AMS, 1992, pp. 24-42.  Republished in Jerusalem: Essays on Pilgrimage and Literature, 1998, pp. 47-66. Held by Warburg Institute Library

'Strawberries and Mulberries: Ulysses and Othello.' Hypatia: Essays in Classics, Comparative Literature, and Philosophy Presented to Hazel E. Barnes on her Seventieth Birthday. Ed. William M. Calder III, Ulrich K. Goldsmith and Phyllis B. Kenevan. Boulder: University of Colorado Press, 1985. Pp. 123-136.

'Alfonso el Sabio, Brunetto Latini and Dante Alighieri.' Thought, 60 (1985), 468-483.

'Introduction to Medieval Culture.' Approaches to Teaching Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Ed. Miriam Y. Miller, Jane Chance. New York: Modern Language Association, 1986. Pp. 161-170. Reviewed: Mary Gracewell Flowers, Quondum et Futurus (1987); Graciela Daichman, Envoi (1988), 234-235; William F. Pollard, pp. 237-238.etc.

'Brunetto Latini and England.' Manuscripta, 31 (1987), 11-21.

'Verbal Icons: Paradigms of Death and Birth.' Studies in Iconography, 11 (1987), 95-110.

'The Poet in the Poem.' Allegoresis . Ed. Stephen J. Russell. New York: Garland, 1987. Pp. 109-132. Reviewed: TLS; Studies in the Age of Chaucer. Republished in Jerusalem: Essays on Pilgrimage and Literature, 1998, pp. 121-141.

'Chancery and Comedy: Brunetto Latini and Dante Alighieri.' Lectura Dantis, 3 (1988) 73-94.

'The Vita Nuova: Paradigms of Pilgrimage.' Dante Studies, 103 (1985/1989), 103-124. Republished, Jerusalem: Essays on Pilgrimage and Literature, 1998, pp. 101-120.

'The Road through Roncesvalles: Alfonsine Formation of Brunetto Latini and Dante: Diplomacy and Literature.' In Emperor of Learning: Alfonso X the Learned of Castile and His Thirteenth-Century Renaissance. Ed. Robert I. Burns. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990. Pp. 109-123, 239-247.
Held by: Birkbeck, University of London Library ; British Library ; Cardiff University Libraries ; City, University of London ; Courtauld Institute of Art Library ; Durham University Library ; King's College London Library ; National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ; Newcastle University Libraries ; Queen Mary University of London Library ; Queen's University Belfast ; Royal Holloway, University of London ; Senate House Library, University of London ; Swansea University Libraries ; The London Library ; Trinity College Dublin Library ; UCL Library Services ; University of Bristol Libraries ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of East Anglia Library ; University of Exeter Library ; University of Glasgow Library ; University of Huddersfield Library ; University of Hull ; University of Leeds Library ; University of Liverpool Library ; University of Manchester Library ; University of Oxford Libraries ; University of Portsmouth ; University of Sheffield Library ; University of Southampton Library ; University of St Andrews Library ; University of Wales Trinity Saint David ; University of Warwick Library ; University of York Libraries ; Warburg Institute Library

'Crosses and Boxes: Latin and Vernacular.' In Equally in God's Image: Women in the Middle Ages, 1990. Pp. 58-87.

'Convents, Courts and Colleges: Chaucer's Prioress and Second Nun.' In Equally in God's Image: Women in the Middle Ages, 1990. Pp. 198-219.

'A Bridgettine Document from the Florentine Paradiso written at Vadstena, 1397, and its Context: Un documento brigidino del monastero 'Paradiso' di Firenze scritto in Vadstena nel 1397 ed il suo contesto.' In Santa Brigida profeta dei tempi nuovi: Saint Bridget prophetess of new ages. Rome: Casa Generalizia Suore Santa Brigida, 1991. Pp. 860-900. Prefaced: John Paul II.

'Bride, Margery, Julian and Alice: Bridget of Sweden's Textual Community in Medieval England .' Margery Kempe: A Book of Essays. Ed. Sandra McEntire. New York: Garland, 1992. Pp. 203-222. Republished in Jerusalem: Essays on Pilgrimage and Literature, 1998, pp. 142-172.
Held by
British Library ; City, University of London ; National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ; Trinity College Dublin Library ; University of Manchester Library ; University of Oxford Libraries ; University of Warwick Library

'The Monastic Context of Hildegard's Ordo Virtutum.' The 'Ordo Virtutum' of Hildegard of Bingen . Ed. Audrey Davidson. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 1992. Pp. 63-77.

'Slaves and Princes: Terence through Time.' The Influence of the Classical World on Medieval Literature, Architecture, Music and Culture. Ed. Fidel Fajardo. Edwin Mellen Press, 1992.

'Ministry and Vocation'. Plumbline: A Journal of Ministry in Higher Education (December, 1992), 6-7.

'Julian of Norwich's Showings : Chronicles of a Mystic'. The Tablet, 11 May, 1996. Pp. 610-611.

'Saint Birgitta of Sweden and Brigittine Music'. Women Composers: Music Through the Ages. Ed. Martha Furman Schleifer and Sylvia Glickman. New York: G.K. Hall/ Simon and Schuster Macmillan, 1996. I. 78-83.

'Saint Birgitta of Sweden, Saint Catherine of Siena: Saints, Secretaries, Scribes, Supporters'. Birgittiana , 1 (1996), 29-45. Prefaced: John Paul II.

'Julian of Norwich's Showings in a Nutshell: Her Manuscripts and Their Cultural Contexts ', Birgittiana 4 (1997/98), 129-151.

‘Foglie d’ulivo per la guarigione delle nazioni’. Lo Scaraboccio 125 (settembre, 1998).

Julian Library Portfolio : 'Preface and Sampler '; 'Sacrament and Gospel '; ''Contemplating on Hebrew '; 'Julian's Mystic Philosophy: Augustine, Boethius, Dionysius, Gregory, Benedict, Dante '; 'Helena, Egeria, and Paula: The Bible and Women Pilgrims' ; 'Hilda and Caedmon: The Dream of the Rood '; 'The Most Ancient of St Gregory the Great by a Monk or Nun of Whitby '; 'La Beata Umiltà: Contemplating on Holy Humility '; 'Godfriends: The Continental Medieval Mystics '; 'The Mystics' Internet: Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich, Margery of Lynn, Francesca of Rome '; 'Henry Suso: Horologium Sapientiae 'Computer of Wisdom' '; 'Jan van Ruusbroec, The Sparkling Stone '; 'Julian of Norwich: The Westminster Cathedral/Abbey Manuscript '; 'Anchoress and Cardinal: Textual Communities and Gendered Audiences '; The Soul a City: Margery and Julian '; 'A Julian-Related Manuscript in Norwich Castle '; Julian's Showings in a Nutshell: Her Manuscripts and Their Cultural Contexts' ; John of the Cross: If You Would be Perfect' ; 'Margaret Gascoigne/Bridget More; Contemplating on Julian '; 'Colections: An English Nun in Exile '; 'Mother Agnes Mason, C.H.F., Foundress, Community of the Holy Family '; 'Sacred Conversation: Contemplative Art '; 'Royal Priesthood: Theory into Practise '; 'The Lord's Prayer: Our Father: Julian of Norwich, Evelyn Underhill, Simone Weil, Edith Stein' ; 'Heavenwindow: Prayers for Contemplation '; 'David and Solomon: Sexual Abuse and the Clergy '; 'Aleph/Alpha: Alcoholics Anonymous, the Deaf, and Julian' ; 'Cruelty and Mercy: Medieval Models for Modern Times '; 'The Sabbath a Bride: Christianity and Sexuality '; 'Tangled Tales' , etc. Many titles available in hard copy, in Florentine bound portfolios, holloway.julia@tiscali.it

In Jerusalem: Essays on Pilgrimage and Literature, 1998: 'Golden Apples, Wild Geese'; 'Travelers' Supreme Fictions: Homer and Plato'; 'Helena, Paula, Eustochium, Egeria '; 'The "Dream of the Rood" and Pilgrimage '; 'Apocalpyse Palimpsest: The Song of Roland'; 'The Vita Nuova : Paradigms of Pilgrimage'; 'The Pilgrim in the Poem: Dante, Langland and Chaucer'; 'Bride, Margery, Julian and Alice '; 'The Wife and the Pardoner'; 'Pilgrim Perceptions: Literature's Labyrinths'; 'Semus Sumus: Joyce and Pilgrimage'; 'To Be A Pilgrim'.

New Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press: Entries for Dame Gertrude More, O.S.B., Mother Agnes Mason, C.H.F. 2004; Sir James Roberts, Bart, 2013.

"Ma noi siam peregrin come voi siete": Il santuario ed il pellegrinaggio di Canterbury'. In Dall'Italia a Canterbury, Culto e pellegrinaggio italiano per Thomas Becket, ed. Renato Stopani, Firenze, 2005. Pp. 13-23.

'Sant' Andrea nelle Isole Britanniche'. Dal Lago di Tiberiade al Mare di Amalfi: Il viaggio apostolico di Andrea, il Primo ChiamatoTestimonianze, cronache e prospettive di ecumenismo nell'VIII Centenario della Traslazione delle Reliquie del Corpo (1208-2008). A cura di Michail Talalay. Amalfi: Presso la Seda del Centro, 2008. Pp. 207-209.

'Biblioteche e archivi: manoscritti e documenti d Brunetto Latino: Una proposta per la loro digitalizzazione come edizione internazionale'. A Scuola con Ser Bruentto: Indagini sulla ricezione di Brunetto Latini dal Medioevo al Rinascimento. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Università di Basilea, 8-10 giugno 2006. A cura di Irene Maffia Scariati. Firenze: Edizioni del Galluzzo per la Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, 2008. Archivio Romanzo 14. Pp. 535-546.

'Literary and Cultural Contexts: Major Figures, Institutions, Topics, Events, Movements'. The Medieval British Literature Handbook. Ed. Daniel T. Kline. London: Continuum, 2009. Pp. 49-81.

'Romancing the Chronicle'. The Medieval Chronicle VII. Ed. Eric Kooper, Juliana Dresvina, Nicholas Sparks. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011. Pp. 1-14.
Held by: Aberystwyth University Library ; Aston University Library ; Cardiff Metropolitan University ; Cardiff University Libraries ; Coventry University ; Durham University Library ; Edge Hill University ; Liverpool John Moores University ; Open University Library ; Queen Margaret University Library ; Queen's University Belfast ; SOAS Library, University of London ; Senate House Library, University of London ; Sheffield Hallam University Library ; Swansea University Libraries ; UCL Library Services ; University for the Creative Arts ; University of Aberdeen Libraries ; University of Birmingham Libraries ; University of Bradford ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Huddersfield Library ; University of Leicester Library ; University of Liverpool Library ; University of Manchester Library ; University of Portsmouth ; University of Reading Library ; University of Salford ; University of Sheffield Library ; University of Southampton Library ; University of Surrey ; University of Warwick Library ; University of Westminster ; University of York Libraries

Per la Pace: L'alfabeto come famiglia. 2011.

‘La Vita Nuova: Paradigmi di pellegrinaggio’. Lectura Dantis 2002-2009. Omaggio a Vincenzo Placella per i suoi settanta anni. Napoli: Università degli studi di Napoli "L'Orientale', pp. 1181-1204.

'Dalle tombe alle culle'. Politica donna tra desiderio e spiritualità. Provincia di Mantova, 2012. Pp. 20-23.

'"Come ne scriva Luca": Anagogy in Vita nova and Commedia'. Divus Thomas 115 (2012), 150-170.

'Alfonso el Sabio, Brunetto Latini y Dante Alighieri'. Encrucijada de culturas: Alfonso X y su tiempo: Homenaje a Francesco Márquz Villanueva. Ed. Emilio González Ferrín. Sevilla: Coleccion Anfora, 2014. Pp. 441-470.

'Giuliana di Norwich e l'Ebraismo'. AEC 1-2 (2014), 63-80.

'Brown Ink, Red Blood: The Plotting of the Sicilian Vespers'. Medieval Letters - Between Fiction and Document. Ed. Christian Hegel and Elisabetta Bartoli, Preface, Francesco Stella and Lars Boje Mortensen. Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, 33. Turnout: Brepols, 2015. Pp. 421-430.

'È una veritade ascosa sotto bella menzogna (Convivio II.1); San Miniato, San Mina, Sant'Albano e san Dionigio'. De strata fracigena XXVI/2, 2018, 0-34.

"Jesus as 'Mother' in Julian of Norwich's Showing of Love," Illuminating Jesus. Ed. Jane Beal. Leiden: Brill, 2019. Pp. 291-309.
Held by: British Library ; Durham University Library ; UCL Library Services ; University of Nottingham Libraries

'Murder he Wrote: Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning'. Thanks for Typing. Ed. Juliana Dresvina. London: Bloomsbury, 2021.
Held by
British Library ; National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ; Senate House Library, University of London ; Trinity College Dublin Library ; University of Leeds Library ; University of Oxford Libraries ; University of Wales Trinity Saint David ; University of the Arts, London

'Dante's Terence: Decolonializing the Commedia'. Il Pacioli "Nostra maggior musa": I maestri della letterature classica nella Commedia di Dante. Ed, John Butcher. Arezzo: Edizione Nuova Prhomos, 2021. Pp. 37-58.

"The 'florin.ms' Project." Bibliotheca Dantesca: Journal of Dante Studies 5 (2022), 13. 276-278. https://repository.uèpenn.edu/bibdant/vol5/iss1/14.

Forthcoming Essay Publications:

'Canto XI: Franciscan Comedy'

'Arabesquing the Dugento: Brunetto Latino and his Students, Guido Cavalcanti, Dante Alighieri and Francesco da Barberino'

Reviews, Notices, Notes (43)

C.P. Snow. The New Men. Peninsula Living (March 26, 1961), 30-31. 

Elizabeth Drew. T.S. Eliot: The Design of his Poetry. Peninsula Living (April 16, 1961), 28.

Jonathan Sumption. Pilgrimage: Image of Medieval Religion. Journal of the American Academy of Religion (henceforth JAAR), 44 (1976), 570.

Christian Zacher. Curiosity and Pilgrimage. JAAR, 44 (1976), 730.

Julian Jaynes. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. JAAR, 45 (1977), 398.

Donald Howard. The Idea of the Canterbury Tales. JAAR, 45 (1977), 541.

'Fleury Easter Liturgical Plays.' Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama (henceforth RORD ), 21 (1978), 95-96.

Richard Kay. Dante's Swift and Strong. JAAR, 46 (1978), 611.

Kenelm Foster. The Two Dantes. JAAR , 46 (1978), 612.

James McGowan. Thomas Garrett. JAAR , 47 (1978), 153.

'Filius Getronis.' RORD, 23 (1979), 139.

Charles Jones. St Nicholas of Myra, Bari and Manhattan. JAAR, 47 (1979), 808.

John Adair. The Pilgrim's Way. JAAR , 47 (1979), 449.

'Haworth and The Waste Land.' Yeats Eliot Review, 6 (1979/1980), 22-23.

'Resuscitatio Lazari.' RORD , 23 (1980), 87.

Giuseppe Mazzotta. Dante, Poet of the Desert. JAAR, 50 (1982), 331.

'Chaucer's Daughters. Christine de Pizan. The Book of the City of Ladies. Linda Simon. Of Virtue Rare: Margaret Beaufort, Matriarch of the House of Tudor.' Bloomsbury Review , 3 (1983), 7.

James J. Wilhelm. Il Miglior Fabbro: The Cult of the Difficult in Daniel, Dante and Pound. Studies in Medievalism , 2:3 (1983), 97-101.

Rosemary B. Reuther, Rosemary S. Keller. Women and Religion in America, the Colonial and Revolutionary Period: A Documentary History. Friends Journal (May, 1984), 23.

Michael Green, James J. O'Connell. De Historia et Veritate Unicornis: On the History and Truth of the Unicorn. Bloomsbury Review, 4 (June/July, 1984), 7, 30.

Christian Feminism: Visions of a New Humanities
. Ed. Judith Weidman. Friends Journal (Dec., 1984), 26.

James A. Freeman, Anthony Low. Urbane Milton: The Latin Poetry. Milton Studies, 19. Classical and Modern Literature, 6 (1985), 61-65.

'Illuminating Perceptions from the Past'. Matthew Fox. Hildegard of Bingen. Bloomsbury Review, 6 (Nov., 1985), 7.

Medieval Women's Visionary Literature
and Hildegard of Bingen's Scivias. Religion and Literature, 19 (Spring, 1987), 78-82, 95.

Marcelle Thiebaux. Writings of Medieval Women. Annali d'Italianistica, 7 (1989), 444-446.

Denis Meehan. Gregory Nazianzus: Three Poems. Envoi 2:1 (1990), 188-192.

Birgitta of Sweden: Life and Selected Writings
, ed. Marguerite Tjader Harris, Albert Ryle Kezel, Tore Nyberg. EDAM, 15 (1992), 29-32.

Betsy Bowden. 18th Century Modernizations of The Canterbury Tales. Scriblerian, 1993.

'Annunciation and Brigittine Nuns at Choir'. The Bernard H. Breslauer Collection of Manuscript Illuminations . Ed. William M. Voekle and Roger S. Wieck. New York: Pierpont Morgan Library, 1993. Pp. 49, 196-7.

Marion Glasscoe. English Medieval Mystics: Games of Faith. Medium Aevum, 1994.

Stefano Asperti, Carlo I d'Angiò e i trovatori: Componenti 'provenzali' e angioine nella tradizione manoscritta della lirica trobadorica. Speculum, 1997.

Lynn Staley. Margery Kempe and the Dissenting Fictions. Mystic-L Book Reviews, 1997.

Christopher Abbott. Julian of Norwich: Autobiography and Theology. Arthuriana, 1997.

Sandra McEntire, ed. Julian of Norwich: A Book of Essays. Arthuriana, 1997.

The Cloud of Unknowing. Ed. Patrick J. Gallacher. Arthuriana, 1997.

'The Birgitta Celebration'. St Ansgar's Bulletin 96 (2000), 9-10.

Liber usuum fratrum monasteri Vadstenensis/ The Customary of the Vadstena Brothers: A Critical Edition with an Introduction.
Ed. Sara Risberg. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 2003. The Medieval Revew.

Joannis Rusbrochi. De ornatv spiritvualivm nvptiarum. Wilhelmo Iordani interprete. Ed. Kees Scheppers. Turnhout: Brepols, 2004. Speculum.

Dalla stanza accanto: Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’anni dopo: Atti del convegno internazionale di studi Firenze 262728 maggio 2005.
The Sybil: A Bulletin of Vernon Lee Studies 3 (2008).

Kathryn Kerby-Fulton. Books under Suspicion: Censorship and Tolerance of Revelatory Writing in Late Medieval England.  Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2006. Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures.

Gary Waller. Walsingham and the English Imagination. Farnham: Ashgate, 2011. JEGP.

Approaching the Holy Mountain: Art and Liturgy at St Catherine's Monastery in the Sinai
. Ed. Sharon E. Gerstel and Robert S. Nelson. Turnhout: Brepols, 2010. The Medieval Review.

Dante’s Commedia: Theology as Poetry
. Eds. Vittorio Montemaggi and Matthew Traherne.
Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2010. MLR

Alison Cornish. Vernacular Translation in Dante's Italy: Illiterate Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. MLR

Margherita Datini. Letters to Francesco Datini. Trans. Carolyn James and Antonio Pagliaro. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series 16. Toronto: Iter, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2012. Annali d'italianistica.

Marcia Kupfer. Art and Optics in the Hereford Map: An English Mappa Mundi, c. 1300. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2016. The Medieval Review. 

The Romance of Thebes (Roman de Thèbes).  Trans. Joan M. Ferrante and Robert W. Hanning. Tempe, Arizona: ACMRS Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Texts, 529, The French of England Translation Series (FRETS), 11,  2018. The Medieval Review.

Celia Chazelle. The Codex Amiatinus and its “Sister” Bibles: Scripture, Liturgy, and Art in the Milieu of the Venerable Bede. Brill, Leiden – Boston, 2019 (Commentaria, 10). Scriptorium.

The Works of Richard Methley Introduction, Laura Saetveit Miles. Trans. Barbara Newman. Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2021. Cistercian Publications, 286. The Medieval Review

Libro della natura degli animali. Bestiario Toscano del secolo XIII. Edizione critica, a cura di Davide Checchi. SISMEL – Edizione del Galluzzo: Firenze 2020 (Archivio Romano, 36).
Italian Bookself. Annali d'Italianistica. 

Zemon Davis, Natalie. Leo Africanus Discovers Comedy: Theatre and Poetry Across the Mediterranean. Toronto: Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies, 2021. Pp. 216
. Italian Bookself. Annali d'Italianistica.

Radden Keefe, Beatrice The Illustrated Afterlife of Terence’s Comedies (800-1200).  Brill – Leiden 2021 (Library of the Written Word, 97 - The Manuscript World, 13). 25 cm, XIV + 228 p., ill., index, €118,00.  ISBN 978-90-04-46331-8. Scriptorium

Francesco da Barberino al crocevia. Culture, società, bilinguismo. A cura di Sara Bischetti & Antonio Montefusco. De Gruyter, Berlin – Boston 2021 (Toscana Bilingue. Storia sociale della traduzione medievale / Bilingualism in Medieval Tuscany, 1). 23,5 cm, VII + 222 p., pl. ISBN 978-3-11-059064-7. Scriptorium

Reading Dante with Images: A Visual Lectura Dantis. Ed. Michael Collins. London; Harvey Miller Publishers, 2021 29 cm, 409 p, ill., € 150,00. ISBN 978-!.912554-50-8. Scriptorium

Brunetti, Giuseppina, Poeti, trovatori, cantastorie. Il Medioevo ri-suona a Bologna per Dante. Bononia University Press, Bologna 2021. 21 cm, 111 p., Ill., € 15,00. ISBN 978-88-6923-805-5 Scriptorium

Three Pilgrimages to the Holy Land. Saewulf, A True Account of the Situation of Jerusalem – [Johannes Wirzlburgensis, John of Wüzburg. A Description of the Places of the Holy Land – [Theodericus] Theoderic. A Little Book of the Holy Places.
Introduction, translation and notes by Denys Pringle. Brepols. Turnhout 2022 (Corpus Christianorum in Translation, 41). 24 cm, 302 p, Ill., index. €60,00. ISBN 978-2-503-59372-2. Scriptorium

Scase, Wendy. Visible English, Graphic Culture, Scribal Practice, and Identity, c. 700-c.1500. Brepols, Turnhout 2022 (Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, 54). 24 cm. XIX + 408 p. Ill., index, €110,99, ISBN 978-2-503-59842-0. Scriptorium

Ovide moralisés latins, Arnoul d’Orléans, Allegoriae – Jean de Garlande, Integumenta – Giovanni del Virgilio, Allegoriae,
Edition de Jean-Marie Fritz, avec la collaboration de Cristine Noacco, Classiques Garnier, Paris 2022 (Texts littéraires du Moyen Age,71 – Ovidiana textes, 4). 22 cm, 606 p., Index, €59,00, ISBN 978.2.406-13292-9. Scriptorium

I libri di Bessarione. Studi sui manoscritti del Cardinale a Venezia e in Europa.
A cura di Antonio Rigo & Niccolò Zorzi. Brepols, Turnhout 21 (Bibliologia, Elementa ad librarum studia pertinentia). 59. 28 cm, 432 p., pl., index, €85,00. ISBN 978-2-503-58963-4. Scriptorium

Numerous book reviews on Umilta Site , Oliveleaf Site


Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Aurora Leigh. Translated, Bruna Dell'Agnese, ed. Julia Bolton Holloway, AD. Firenze: Le Lettere, 2002.

Renato Stopani. San Procolo. Translated, Julia Bolton Holloway, AD. Le Chiese minori di Firenze 2. Firenze: Editoriale gli Arcipressi, 2002.

Fabrizio Vanni. San Jacopo tra i fossi. Translated, Julia Bolton Holloway, AD. Le Chiese minori di Firenze 2. Firenze: Editoriale gli Arcipressi, 2002.

Renato Stopani. Volpaia. Translated, Julia Bolton Holloway, AD. Ager Clantius. Firenze: Editoriale gli Arcipressi, 2003.

Renato Stopani. Radda. Translated, Julia Bolton Holloway, AD. Ager Clantius. Firenze: Centro Studi Chiantigiani, 2004.

Il Castello di Gabbiano. Translated, Julia Bolton Holloway, AD. Firenze: Centro Studi Chiantigiani, 2004.

Dall'Italia a Canterbury: Culto e pellegrinaggio italiano per Thomas Becket. De strata francigena. Abstracts. Translated, Julia Bolton Holloway. Firenze: Centro Studi Romei, 2004.

Renato Stopani. San Gimignano nei secoli X-XII: Da 'Luogo detto' a città/ San Gimignano in the X-XII Centuries: From the 'Said Place' to a City. Translated, Julia Bolton Holloway, AD. Firenze: Centro Studi Romei, 2005.

Renato Stopani. Castelnuovo Berardenga. Translated, Julia Bolton Holloway, AD. Ager Clantius. Firenze: Centro Studi Chiantigiani, 2005.

Renato Stopani. Firenze prima di Arnolfo: Città e archittetura dal'XI secolo alla metà del Dugento/ Florence before Arnolfo: The city and its architecture from the Eleventh to the mid-Thirteenth Century. Trans, Julia Bolton Holloway. Tavole e ricostruzione di Massimo Tosi. Firenze: Centro Studi Romei, 2014.

The City and Book I, II, III, Conference Proceedings. Translated, Julia Bolton Holloway, AD.

'Oh Bella Libertà! Le Poesie di Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Florence: Le Lettere, 2023.

Various Citations in Essays and Books

Thomas P. Roche, Jr., ed. Edmund Spenser. The Faerie Queene.

Julian Jaynes. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1977. P. 337.

Richard J. Schoeck. Intertextuality and Renaissance Texts. Bamberg: Kaiser Verlag, 1984.

Marcello Ciccuto, ed. Brunetto Latini. Il Tesoretto. Milano: BUR, 1985.


Westfield College Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar Newsletter 1 (November, 1985).

Sylvia Tomasch. ‘Mappae Mundi and ‘The Knight’s Tale’: The Geography of Power, the Technology of Control’. Literature and Technology. Ed. Mark L. Greenberg and Lance Schachterle. Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 1992.

Hans Küng. Christianity: The Religious Situation of our Time. London: SCM, 1995. Pp. 439-445, 870.

Karma Lochrie. ‘Book of Margery Kempe’. Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 16 (1986).

Jaime Ferreiro Alemparte. 'Recepcion de las Eticas y de la Politica de Aristoteles en Las Siete Partidas del Rey Sabio. Glossae: Revista de Historia de derecho europeo, 1 (1988).

Linda Georgianna. ‘Love So Dearly Bought: The Terms of Redemption in The Canterbury Tales’. Studies in the Age of Chaucer 12 (1990).

Isabel Colegate. A Pelican in the Wilderness. Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 2001.

Michael Kleine. Searching for Latini. West Lafayette, 2005.

Nancy Bradley Warren. The Embodied Word: Female Spiritualities, Contested Orthodoxies, and English Religious Cultures, 1350-1700. Notre Dame: Notre Dame University Press, 2010.

Roberto Fuda. Fantasmi di marmo. Firenze, 2010.

Cristina Saviozzi. Come gufi nella notte. Roma: San Paolo, 2010.

Espedita Fisher. Eremiti. Roma: Castelvecchi, 2012. Etc.

Conferences, Seminars, Lectures, Exhibitions

1966-71 Seminars: Leon Katz, Brendan O Hehir, Jonas Barrish, Phillip Damon, Sir Richard Southern, Etienne Gilson. Advisor: Charles Jones, Charles Muscatine.

1973 International James Joyce Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, Leslie Fiedler's Panel; National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Seminar, 'Allegory and Iconography,' Directed, John Fleming, Princeton University.

1975 International James Joyce Symposium, Paris, France.

1976 Medieval Studies Conference, State University of New York, Stony Brook, 'The Wife of Bath and Jacob's Well'; Medieval Studies Conference, Western Michigan University, 'Semus Sumus: Joyce and Pilgrimage.'

1977 Medieval Studies Conference, Western Michigan, 'Dante's Commedia: Egyptian Spoils, Roman Jubilee, Florence's Patron'; Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Conference, Villanova University, 'Egyptian Gold: Pilgrimage Poetry in Dante, Langland and Chaucer.'

1978 Medieval Colloquium, University of the South, Sewanee, 'Dante's Commedia: Egyptian Spoils, Roman Jubilee, Florence's Patron.'

1979 Seminar Participant, 'Medieval Paleography and Codicology,' Directed Jean Preston, Curator, Rare Books and Manuscripts, Princeton University; University of the South, Sewanee, 'Chaucer's Wife and Pardoner: False-Seeming Pilgrims'; University of Pennsylvania Medieval Colloquium, 'The Poet as Pilgrim'; International Medieval Studies Congress, Western Michigan, 'Carnal Allegories: Typology in Medieval Pilgrimage'; International James Joyce Symposium, Zurich, 'Images of Creator and Creation in Augustine, Dante and Joyce'; Participant, English Institute, Harvard University; Modern Language Association National Convention, San Francisco, 'Aurora Leigh's Renaissance.'

1980 Reed College, 'Sacred and Profane: Pilgrimage in Dante and Chaucer'; International Medieval Studies Congress, Western Michigan, 'Arculf's Shipwreck, the Ruthwell Cross and The Dream of the Rood; University of Chicago Summer Latin Workshop, ' The Dream of the Rood: Latin and Vernacular Cultures'; Princeton, Women's Center, 'The Emerging/Submerged Woman'; Quaker Delegation to Heads of State, Pendle Hill and Washington, D.C.

1981 St Anselm's College, Benedictine Sesquimillenium, 'Benedictine Drama and the Benedictine Rule'; University of Colorado, Boulder, 'Brunetto Latini: Maestro di Dante Alighieri'; International Medieval Studies Congress, Western Michigan, 'Brunetto Latini: Maestro di Dante Alighieri'; The Meeting of Two Worlds: Cultural Exchange between East and West during the Period of the Crusades Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan; Attica Correctional Facility, Learning in Exile Conference, 'Boethius the Prisoner, Dante the Exile'; Modern Language Association National Convention, New York, 'The Case for Diplomatic Textual Editing: Brunetto Latini, Il Tesoretto.'

1982 University of Colorado, Boulder, 'Dante in Attica'; Medieval Academy, Western Michigan, 'Methods for Teaching Medieval Materials: Liturgical Drama'; International Medieval Studies Congress, Western Michigan, 'A Chain of Letters: Men and Women of the Church'; Summer Greek and Latin Workshop, University of Chicago, 'Medieval Latin and Liturgical Drama,' Three Lectures; College of Music, University of Colorado, Boulder, Joycelebration, 'Saint James, King James'; South-Eastern Medieval Association Conference, Dallas, 'The Poet as Pilgrim,' Plenary Address.

1983 International Medieval Studies Congress, Western Michigan, 'Alfonso el Sabio, Brunetto Latini, Dante Alighieri'; Colorado School of Mines, Gandhi and the Post-Modern World Conference, 'Gandhi and Feminism'; Boulder, International Women's Week, 'Textile and Text: Penelope and Ulysses.'

1984 University of Colorado, Boulder, Symposium on Medieval Romance Language Manuscripts, 'Alfonso el Sabio, Brunetto Latini, Dante Alighieri'; International Medieval Studies Congress, Western Michigan, 'Alfonso el Sabio, Brunetto Latini, Dante Alighieri: Further Research'; 'Approaches to Teaching Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Introduction to Medieval Culture'; First Drafts Conference, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 'Brunetto Latini Manuscripts in England'; International Chaucer Studies Congress, York University, England, 'Aspects of Pilgrimage in the Ellesmere Portraits'; also given, SMU at University College, Oxford; University of Colorado, Boulder, Scaliger Conference, 'Brunetto Latini and England'; Conference on 'Alfonso el Sabio: 700 Years After'; Exhibition of Medieval Manuscript Leaves at Boulder, Special Collections; Colloquia, 'Crosscurrents: Interdisciplinary Dialogues'; Panelist, Trojan Women, 'War, Peace and The Trojan Women,' Departments of Theatre, Classics, Conflict and Peace Studies, President's Fund in Humanities.

1985 University of Colorado, Boulder, Conference, Medieval Styles of Appropriation, 'Letters between Women and Men of the Church'; International Women's Week, 'Equally in God's Image'; Organizer, two sessions, 'Equally in God's Image,' International Medieval Studies Congress, Western Michigan; Medieval Academy, 'Approaches to Teaching Chivalry: Introduction to Medieval Culture'; Chair, 'Medieval Travel Literature'; Organizer, Conference, 'Terence through Time: An Afro-Roman Playwright's Influence on Western Culture'; Rocky Mountain Medieval Association, Durango, 'Apocalypse Palimpsest'; University of Colorado, Boulder, J.D.A. Ogilvy Lecture, 'The Pilgrim in the Poem: Dante, Langland and Chaucer'; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 'Equally in God's Image.'

1986 American Association for Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Madrid, Spain, 'Chancery and Comedy: Brunetto Latini and Dante Alighieri'; Classics, Seminar, Plato, Symposium; Exhibition, 'The Medieval Manuscript,' University of Colorado, Boulder; Modern Language Association National Convention, New York, 'Dante's Risorgimento: Princess Belgioioso, Margaret Fuller and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.'

1987 Rice University, 'The Pilgrim in the Poem'; University of Texas, Dallas, 'Verbal Icons: Paradigms of Death and Birth'; Beloit College, 'Perverse Pilgrims: Chaucer's Wife and Pardoner'; AAUW Founders Fellowship/Sabbatical, Florence, Italy; Casa Guidi, Florence, 'Chancery and Comedy: Brunetto Latini and Dante Alighieri'; I Tatti Seminars.

1988 AAUW Founders Fellowship/Sabbatical, Florence, Italy; Florence, American International League, 'Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Casa Guidi'; I Tatti Seminars; AAUW, Washington, DC: The First Hundred Years, 'Report on Research'; AAUW, Boulder Branch, 'Report on Research.'

1989 Boulder, International Women's Week, 'Laurel Garland: Women of the Risorgimento'; Sewanee, Medieval Colloquium, 'A Republican Chancellor and Two Would-Be Emperors: Brunetto Latini, Alfonso el Sabio, Charles d'Anjou'; SUNY Buffalo, Psychology and the Arts, 'Midsummer Night's Dream: Bottom's Metamorphosis'; Special Collections, 'A Rose is a Rose'; Gunnison, AAUW Chapter, 'Report on Research'; Florence, I Tatti, Verrocchio Convegno.

1990 University of Virginia, Rotunda Lectura Dantis, Inferno XXV; International Medieval Studies Congress, Western Michigan University, 'Brown Ink and Red Blood: Brunetto Latino and the Sicilian Vespers'; Poetry Reading, Shelley, Spender, with Sir Stephen Spender, Shelley Memorial, Oxford; Canterbury, International Chaucer Congress, 'Black Letter Chaucer'; CSERA, 'Opening Up the Canon'; Theatre and Dance, 'Terence through Time'; Religious Studies, 'Feminist Gandhi'; Medieval Studies, 'Saint Bride's Book.'

1991 Princeton, Medieval Academy; Southern Methodist University, 'Medieval Women and Medieval Books'; Western Michigan University, 'Hildegard of Bingen's Monastic Context'; Rome, Brigittine Congress, 'Paradiso 79 Document.'

1992 Boulder, On Giants' Shoulders, 'Terence through Time'; Boulder Art Center Exhibition, 'Wild Geese: A Family of Anglo-Irish Artists.'

1993 New York, Graduate Theological Seminary, 'Egeria and Paula: Pilgrims to the Holy Places' ; Princeton, Princeton University, 'Julian's First Text, 1368, Short Text and Long Text, Post-1373 '; Berkeley, University of California, 'Birgitta, Julian and Margery: Julian of Norwich's Textual Community in England'; St Hilda's College, Women and the Book in the Middle Ages, 'Helena, Egeria and Paula: The Bible and Women Pilgrims' .

1994 Buckfast Abbey, ' Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena: Saints' Secretariats '.

1996 Florence, British Institute, 'Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Risorgimento: Aurora Leigh and Other Poems'. Florence, British Institute, ' Anchoress and Cardinal: Julian of Norwich and Adam Easton '. Florence, English Church of St Mark, Bishop's Salone, ' Two Advent Talks on Julian of Norwich: Beginnings and Annunciation; Endings and Crucifixion '; 'Women and the Book', Syracuse University Program in Florence; ' Laurel Garland: Women of the Risorgimento ', SACI, Florence.

1997 'Libraries I Have Known', British Institute, Florence.

1998 'Laurel Garland: Women of the Risorgimento ', University of Michigan Program in Florence; 'Dante's Purgatorio ', Florence, English Church of St Mark; 'Anchoress and Cardinal: Julian of Norwich and Adam Easton, O.S.B.', Graduate Theological Seminary, Berkeley; 'Editing Julian of Norwich's Extant Manuscripts ', University of California, Berkeley; Workshop: 'Julian of Norwich in Contemplation'; 'Anchoress and Cardinal: Julian of Norwich and Adam Easton, O.S.B.', International Medieval Studies Congress, Western Michigan University; Retreat, ' Julian of Norwich and the Trinity: Might, Wisdom, Love ', Lee Abbey, Devon; 'Anchoress and Cardinal: Julian of Norwich and Adam Easton, O.S.B.' , Norwich Cathedral.

1999 University of Bergen, 'Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Italy, Julian of England '; Göteborg, Sweden and Nykirchen, Bergen, Norway, Emmaus Meeting, ' School for Prayer: When Two or Three are Gathered in My Name '

2000 ' Anchoress and Cardinal: Julian of Norwich and Adam Easton, O.S.B .', Catholic University, Washington, D.C.; 'Tower of Mirrors: Medieval Married Women Saints ', Columbia University, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; International Congress of Medieval Studies, 'The Cell of Self-Knowledge: Christina of Markyate, Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich, Emma Stapleton, Margaret Heslyngton, Elizabeth Barton ', Western Michigan University; Iceland: Arni Magnusson Institute, 'The "Codex Amiatinus", Wearmouth/Jarrow and the Laurentian Library'; University of Reykjavik, 'Dante Alighieri's Commedia and the Jubilee, 1300/2000 '; Skalholt, 'Women Pilgrims and the Jubilee '.

2001 Exhibition, Gatehouse, English Cemetery, 'International Portrait Gallery'; Brontë Society, Italian Branch, 'The Influence of Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre on Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Aurora Leigh'; The City and the Book, Palazzo Vecchio, Salone dei 500; La Certosa, May 30, 31, June 1, Florence; Book Fair, Piazzale Donatello 38, June 2-3; 'The Earliest Life of St Gregory by a Monk or Nun at Whitby', The City and Book I: The Alphabet, the Bible, International Congress, Certosa; Book Launch, Julian of Norwich, Showing of Love, Biblioteca e Bottega Fioretta Mazzei, Florence.

2002 Exhibition, Manuscripts in Tuscany, Arte dei Beccai, Via Orsanmichele, 4; The City and the Book II: The Manuscript, the Illumination, International Congress, Arte dei Beccai, Via Orsanmichele, 4, September.

2003 Firenze, Teatro le Laudi, 'Solitudine e coscienza di se'

2004 "Ma noi siam peregrin come voi siete": Il santuario ed il pellegrinaggio di Canterbury, Dall'Italia a Canterbury, Culto e pellegrinaggio italiano per Thomas Becket, Firenze; Exhibition, 'Florence in Sepia', Sala Ferri, Palazzo Strozzi, The City and the Book III: Marble Silence: Words on Stone, Florence's English Cemetery, International Congress with the Gabinetto Vieusseux, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, June; 'Julian of Norwich on Prayer', International Medieval Congress, Leeds University.

2005 Exhibition, 'Florence in Sepia', Gatehouse, English Cemetery, Florence; 'Museum Thoughts', Princeton University Museum, 'Brown Ink and Red Blood: Brunetto Latino and Dante Alighieri', University of Colorado, Boulder, 'Julian of Norwich's Manuscripts, The Showing of Love in a Cloud of Unknowing', University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 'Digitizing Brunetto Latino as Key to Dante Alighieri', Western Michigan University, International Medieval Studies Congress; 'Brunetto Latino's Li Livres dou Tresor in the St Petersburg and the Laurentian Libraries', St Petersburg, UNESCO; 'Donne nella Cristianità', Associazione Fioretta Mazzei, Villa Guicciardini, Florence; 'The Earliest Latin-English Dictionary was Written for Schoolchildren', Leeds University, Medieval Congress; 'Julian of Norwich', University of East Anglia.

2006 Armstrong Browning Library, Baylor University, Elizabeth Barrett Browning Bicentennial, 'An Old Yellow Book: The Death and Burial of Elizabeth Barrett Browning'; Modena, ASCE, 'The English Cemetery: An Abandoned Cemetery in the Midst of Florence';  Basel, Brunetto Latino, 'Documents and Manuscripts: Archives and Libraries'; British Institute of Florence, 'An Old Yellow Book: The Death and Burial of Elizabeth Barrett Browning'; 'Museo Archeologico Nazionale e Cimitero 'degli Inglesi', 'Apuleius and Elizabeth Barrett Browning'; Dante e la Badia Fiorentina, Badia Fiorentina, Messa dei Poveri.

2007 Villa La Pietra, New York University, 'The English Cemetery'; Georgetown University, Anchoress and Cardinal: Julian of Norwich and Adam Easton, OSB; University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Iron Chain, Golden Ring', also discussion on Brunetto Latino; Wellesley College, 'Women in Our Own Write/Right'; Trollope Society, New York, 'The Trollopes in Florence'; Exhibition, Karen Graffeo, 'Now Let Us Praise the Rom'; Rome, Auditorium Ara Pacis, 'Come catalogare un cimitero'; British Library, London, Inauguration, 'Sacred: Discover What We Share';  'English' Cemetery Florence and Harold Acton Library, British Institute of Florence, Celebration of the Savage Landors and Florence; Video 'An Island in the City'.

2008 Cornell University, Brunetto Latino, Maestro di Dante Alighieri; University of Denver, Julian of Norwich as Conversa; Boston Browning Society, An Old Yellow Book: Death and Burial of EBB; Fondazione Il Fiore, Poems Pennyeach; Salone Brunelleschi, '180 anni del Cimitero detto 'degli Inglesi'; Lyceum Club, City and the Book V, The Americans in Florence's 'English' Cemetery; Antwerp, Rethinking the University After Bologna, 'Arabesquing the University - or Cradles in Library'.

2009 Dominican College, New York, 'Julian among the Dominicans'; Pendle Hill, 'Julian and the Friends of God'; Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale, Lectura Dantis Vita Nuova: Paradigmi di Pellegrinaggio

2011 European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels, 'From Graves to Cradles: The Romanian Roma in Florence'; Liberty University, Virginia; The Slavery Abolitionists of Florence's 'English' Cemetery; Montalvo University, Alabama, 'From Graves to Cradles: The Romanian Roma in Florence'; Stetson University, 'Medieval Women Speaking Truth to Power'; Pontificia Università Lateranensis, 'Dante vivo'.

2012 St Louis, Medieval Academy, 'Dante vivo'; San Miniato al Monte, Presentazione Il pellegrino e il libro: Uno studio su Dante Alighieri; Four Seasons, 'Dante and Florence'.

2013 Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, 'Piccarda: Monasticism and Neuro-Humanities'; Firenze, Casa di Dante, 'Brunetto Latino, Maestro di Dante Alighieri'; Firenze, Palazzo Vecchio, 'Elizabeth Barrett Browning e Margaret Fuller'; Siena, 'Inchiostro bruno, rosso vivo sangue: Le trame dei Vespri siciliani'. 

2014 Cambridge University, Corpus Christi College, 'Adam Easton, Alfonso of Jaén, Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena and Julian of Norwich in East Anglian manuscripts'; Cluj, Romania, ASCE, 'From Graves to Cradles, Florence's 'English' Cemetery'

2017 BBC Lisa Dwan on Dante and Beckett; Book Presentation, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Casa Guidi Windows, Le Finestre di Casa Guidi, English Cemetery and Casa Guidi; Monte Amiato, Libri in Pellegrinaggio, Codex Amiatinus, Lindisfarne Gospels, Book of Kells.

2018 'From Graves to Cradles', ICOMOS; Firenze; Monte Amiata, City and Book IX; Book Presentation, Christine de Pizan, Le Chemin de Lonc Estudes/ Il Cammin di Lungo Studio, English Cemetery; Books Presentation, Biblioteca delle Oblate, Firenze.

2019 Cimitero degli Inglesi a Firenze, Cassa di Risparmio; The Soul a City: Margery Kempe Meets Julian of Norwich, Florence; 'From Graves to Cradles', Firenze; Brunetto Latino, Dante Alighieri and Francesco da Barberino, Ravenna

2020 San Lorenzo, Sala Donatello: 'I Vangeli Purpurei'; Academia Bessarion Zoom encounters

2022 Regione Toscana, Presentazione, Il Tesoro di Brunetto Latino, Maestro di Dante Alighieri; Participation in Leeds and Cork, Zoom Discussions on Dante; Academia Bessarion Zoom encounters

2023 Presentations of Oh Bella Libertà Le Poesie di Elizabeth Barrett Browning; Villa Coppini, ICOMOS, The Decolonialism of Florence's English Cemetery; Academia Bessarion Zoom encounters


takes its name from discovering over sixty years ago a scholar's house in a garden, and coming to realize it was Cicero's definition of happiness as having a library and a garden. We sought something more fluid than a print publication, one that allowed for human voices, productive interactions among scholars, coming together as they did in Renaissance Academies and also in Parisian bluestocking salons, where women as well as men, bass and treble, could be heard. We wanted international spontaneity, a non-Brexit going beyond boundaries and frontiers, a thinking outside of boxes, a scholarly journal transgressing that genre, reaching outside of race, gender, class, and being human voices echoing, dialoguing with, those of the past: classical, medieval, Renaissance, Victorian, modern, in a living continuum. We use the Cardinal Bessarion and his casina in Rome, echoing Cicero's definition of happiness as a library in a garden, as our frame because of a long ago memory. Thus, we began a Zoom discussion group on Dante's Vita nova on Tuesday, 10 November 2020, at 8.00 p.m., European time, imagining ourselves as being in that edifice. Our alternate universe to the pandemic. The recorded Video of our first meeting is at https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion1.mp4; its transcript at https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion1.html. It is also translated into Italian. Following that, on Tuesday 8 December 2020 at 8,00 p.m. European time, we discussed Florence and the Seven Acts of Mercy: https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion2.mp4; its transcript at http://www.florin.ms/Bessarion2.docx. Our third meeting was held, December 5, on Pilgrimage and Literature, https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion3.mp4. We held the fourth meeting, February 2, https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion4.mp4, with Danuta Shanzer in Vienna on St Monegundis in the context of the Desert Fathers, etc. The fifth, March 2, was on the anti-slavery Abolitionists and Florence, particularly those in this Florentine so-called English Cemetery, which collects their books, its Powerpoint, https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion5.pptx, and Zoom video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhozDNRi3SE (titled 'The Color of Stone' and needs proof of age because of nude statues!) The sixth, April 6, was on the Dantisti buried in this Cemetery, such as Joseph Garrow, Robert Davidsohn, Adolfo Mussafia, etc, https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion6e.mp4 While May 4 was on Julian of Norwich with Cardinal Adam Easton, https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion7.mp4. Then, June 1, on our Cardinal Bessarion, https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion8.mp4. July 6 was on Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, http://www.florin.ms/Bessarion9.mp4. Participants, as Academicians, together decide what topics to discuss at these monthly Zoom meetings. An additional contribution is a hypertexted autobiography: https://www.florin.ms/GodsAcre.mp4. La versione in italiano si trova a https://www.florin.ms/CampoSanto.mp4. Bessarion10 è sulla presentazione del libro, Opere di Brunetto Latino, Maestro di Dante Alighieri (avanzare il file fino a 10 per l'inizio), the English version on my just-published book, Il Tesoro di Brunetto Latino, Maestro di Dante Alighieri, at Bessarion10eng. August 3rd was on the Bicameral Mind, literature, architecture and education at https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion11.mp4, in italiano a https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion11it.mp4. September 7 was with Luke Penkett on the Norwich Castle Manuscript at https://www.umilta.net/Bessarion12.mp4, suggesting you also look at https://www.umilta.net/Bessarion12.docx. Our thirteenth session was held on Julian's Editors, the manuscripts of Julian of Norwich's Showing of Love and their preservation: https://www.umilta.net/Bessarion13.mp4. https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion14.mp4 is sadly on Plagiary and the Gendering of Editions', which I wish I did not have to make. The 15th is on the 'Purple Gospels', https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion15.mp4 The 16th is 'From Graves to Cradles', https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion16.mp4. The 17th, on the bilingual book, Mary's Dowry, at https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion17.mp4 Bessarion 18 is in two parts, the first from Thomas Hill, Art Librarian, Vassar College, http://artlibrary.vassar.edu/wvkr/audio/Bessarion.mp4 and https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion18B.mp4, these talks on Apuleius' Cupid and Psyche tale embedded in his Golden Ass, related to liberal education that liberates the Others (of gender, race, class, etc.), https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion19.mp4 and https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion20.mp4 are of Professor Carlo Illuminati Porcari speaking on the illuminated Commedia Paris-Imola manuscript. https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion21.mp4 is on Dante's Florence in Hypertext, https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion22.mp4 on Dante's education, https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion23.mp4 is on the Dante book I am in the process of finishing, Di questa commedìa, lettor, ti giuro: A Study of Dante and his Circle. https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion24.mp4 is on Warwick in an Italian Frame, Walter Savage Landor and John Robert Glorney Bolton. https://www.florin,ms/Bessarion25.mp4 is on Sarah Parker Remond. https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion26.mp4 is on a Life in Books. https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion27.mp4 is on John Ruskin's Guild of St George, etc. Golden Ring or Laurel Garland: Elizabeth Barrett Browning and her Circle was our 28th Academia encounter, https://www.florin.ms/Bessarion28.mp4. As well we created a book on all these topics which can be found at http://www.florin.ms/InGodsImage.mp4. Those who wish to participate as Academicians (open to all) in these discussions can request invitations. Contact for requesting Zoom Meeting ID.

Le versioni in italiano si trovano a http://www.florin.ms/Bessarioneit.html, poi a http://www.florin.ms/Bessarion1it.mp4 sulla Vita nova; http://www.florin.ms/Bessarion2it.mp4, sulle Sette Atti di Misericordia; http://www.florin.ms/Bessarion3it.mp3, su pellegrinaggio; http://www.florin.ms/Bessarion4it.mp4 sull'agiografia; http://www.florin.ms/Bessarion5it.mp4; su 'Nero è Bello!'; http://www.florin.ms/Bessarion6it.mp4 sui Dantisti nel Cimitero degli Inglesi; http://www.florin.ms/Bessarion7it.mp4 sulla Giuliana di Norwich e il Cardinale Adam Easton; http://www.florin.ms/Bessarion10it.mp4 su Brunetto Latino, maestro di Dante Alighieri (avanzare il file fino a '10' per l'inizio); http://www.florin.ms/Bessarion11it.mp4 sulla mente bicamerale; http://www.florin.ms/Bessarion13it.mp4 sui manoscritti di Julian di Norwich; http://www.florin.ms/Bessarione15it.mp4, sui Vangeli purpurei; http://www.florin.ms/Bessarion16it.mp4 su 'Dalla tombe alle culle', sul libro La Dote di Maria, http://www.florin.ms/Bessarion17it.mp4; il professor Carlo Illuminati Porcari parla sul manoscritto Parigi-Imola dell'Inferno di Dante e le sue miniature, http://www.florin.ms/Bessarion19it.mp4. L'autobiografia si trova a
http://www.florin.ms/CampoSanto.mp4 E abbiamo creato un libro su tutti questi discorsi, http://www.florin.ms/EffigeDio.mp4

Conferences Organized (13)

1984 Alfonso el Sabio: 700 Years After. Spanish Government; Graduate Committee on Arts and Humanities; Graduate Committee, Medieval Studies
Terence through Time: An Afro-Roman Playwright's Influence on Western Culture. Colorado Endowment for the Humanities; Graduate Committee on Arts and Humanities; Graduate Committee, Medieval Studies; Black Studies Program
Apuleius and Chaucer: Tales within Tales. Colorado Endowment for the Humanities (CEH); Graduate Committee on Medieval Studies, etc.
On Giants' Shoulders: Medieval Classicism. Comparative Literature, Classics, Medieval Studies; Distaves and Inkwells: Women in the Middle Ages. Comparative Literature, Medieval Studies; Opening up the Canon. Center on Theory in the Humanities, Comparative Literature, English, Humanities.
On Giants' Shoulders: Medieval Classicism II. Humanities, Classics, Comparative Literature, Medieval Studies.

2001, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2013, 2016, 2018: 'La Citta` e il Libro: The City and the Book I, II, III, IV, V' Florence, Italy, International Congresses; Proceedings/Atti/La Città e il Libro/ The City and Book I: The Alphabet, The Bible, published at http:// www.florin.ms/aleph.html; The City and the Book II, The Manuscript, the Miniature, http://www.florin.ms/beth.html; The City and Book III, The 'English' Cemetery', with the Gabinetto Vieusseux, http://www.florin.ms/gimela.html; The City and the Book IV, Walter Savage Landor, Henry Savage Landor; The City and the Book V, The Americans in the Swiss-owned 'English' Cemetery; The City and the Book VI: Julian of Norwich: Contexts and Continuities, 11 May 2013, Carrow Abbey, Norwich; La Città e il Libro VII: Dante vivo, October, Accademia dell'Arte del Disegno, via Orsanmichele 4, Florence; Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the Sculptors, September, English Cemetery; Saint Cuthbert and Nortumbrian Monasticism, July 2018, Monte Amiata.

Books at Press and in Progress 

Sweet New Style: Essays on Brunetto, Dante and Chaucer Published on Website.
Latin with Laughter: Terence through Time Published on Website.
Laurel Garland: Women of the Risorgimento Published on Website.
Miriam and Aaron: The Bible and Women Published on Website.

Program Notes, Theatre Productions (8)

Officium Peregrinorum. Easter Monday, 1976, 1981, 1987, 1991.
Visitatio Sepulchri. Easter, 1977.
Filius Getronis. Eve of St Nicholas, 1978.
Resuscitatio Lazari. Lent, 1979, St Benedict's Eve, 1980.
From twelfth-century manuscript, Orléans 201, Fleury Playbook, performed in Latin Gregorian chant with assistance of Father Gerard Farrell, O.S.B.
Florence in Sepia. CD as catalogue to exhibition of same, Sala Ferri, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, 2004.
Dante vivo, La Musica della Commedia, Ensemble San Felice di Federico Bardazzi, concerts in Orsanmichele, Cologne, Graz, Avila, Ravenna, Florence, Duomo, 2014-2015

Radio, Television Programs (17)

Dublin, 1973. On James Joyce. With Leslie Fiedler. Dublin, Irish Radio.
Quincy, 1973. On Book of Kells. Quincy, Television.
Quincy, 1974. Second Shepherds' Play . In Middle English. Quincy College Radio.
Boulder, 1982. Reading James Joyce. With Edward Nolan. KGNU Radio.
Boulder, 2/27/83. On Gandhi. KGNU. Won Art of Peace Prize.
Boulder, 4/19/84. 'Alfonso el Sabio: 700 Years After.' KGNU.
Boulder, 12/25/84. 'Shepherds and Kings.' With Edward Nolan. KGNU.
Boulder, 1985. 'The Dream of the Rood.' Magistra Ludi. KGNU.
Boulder, 1985. 'Terence through Time: An Afro-Roman Playwright.' KGNU.
Boulder, 1985. 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.' Magistra Ludi. KGNU.
Boulder, 1989. 'Tales within Tales: Apuleius and Chaucer.' KGNU.
Boulder, 1990. 'Mandalas.' With Elizabeth Plamondon, Davíd Carrásco. KGNU.
Boulder, 1991. 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.' KGNU.
Florence, 2003/ Grigioni, 2004. Pastiziers - Zücher, aventüra ed increshantüm. Televisiun Rumanstcha.
Florence 2007. An Island in the City. Video, Andrea Sorani.
RAI 1, 2008. Il Silenzio di Dio, Isabelle Schiavone,
Easter Day, 2008.
Lecture at Cornell University, 'Brunetto Latino, Maestro di Dante Alighieri', 2008: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WATj0sZhp1o&t=1s
BBC4, 2016. My Muse: Lisa Dwan on Dante Alighieri, Samuel Beckett and Exile.
Other English, Irish and Swiss television broadcasts on the 'English' Cemetery

English Cemetery: Guided Tours with Apps:

Abbreviated Virtual Guide: http://www.florin.ms/VirtualGuide.html to the English Cemetery, in italiano http://www.florin.ms/GuidaVirtuale.html                              
Tombs associated with Slavery in Florence 'English Cemetery http://www.florin.ms/SlaveryTombsapp.html   Guided Tour, Cemetery, 11 May, 6,00 p.m.          
The English and Napoleon in Florence's 'English' Cemetery http://www.florin.ms/Napoleonapp.html  Guided Tour, Cemetery, 18 June 6,00 p.m.  
History of Medicine in Florence's 'English' Cemetery http://www.florin.ms/MedicalHistoryapp.html Guided Tour, 24 June, 4,00 p.m.
Famous Women Associated with Florence's 'English' Cemetery http://www.florin.ms/FamousWomenapp.html Guided Tour, 29 June, 6,00 p.m. 
List of Famous Tombs in Florence's English Cemetery FamousTombsapp.html
The Restoration of the English Cemetery, http://www.florin.ms/Restauriapp2000-2009.html, ecc 

Emio Lanini, Daniel in the Island of the Dead, https://vimeo.com/139962781

Dante vivo: Collaborative Projects

Carlo Poli, Commedia Recordings 
Musica della Commedia, Ensemble San Felice di Federico Bardazzi, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJJChgOGCbAUljXZOv2TH32IGeYfBwYTq  Ghislaine Avan, Compagnie Tempo Cantabile, The Commedia Performed - In progress
Facsimiles: Brunetto Latino, Tesoro, Treviso, 1474; Binding, Il Libro Del Chiodo, with Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu
The Stones of Florence http://www.florin.ms/StonesofFlorence.html in italiano, http://www.florin.ms/LapidiDantesche.html

Library Directorship:

Founded Medatheca "Fioretta Mazzei" in Florence, 2000 (Member, SDIAF/Sistema Documentazione Integratao dell'Area Fiorentina), of which the websites, e-books and talking books are the online library.

Online Catalogue:
ALEPH=Bible Commentaries/ Hebraism, Islam/ Alphabet, Babylonian/Egyptian, Hebrew Bible, Aramaic, Greek Testament, Bible, Early Christianity, Greek/Russian Orthodoxy, Latin Christianity, Celtic Christianity, Anglo-Saxon Christianity, Hagiography, Medieval, Renaissance Bible, Women in Christianity, Liturgy/Cathechism/Magisterium, Church Today, Modern Contemplative Theology, Modern Hagiography/Biography, Children
BETH=Monastic Orders: Benedictine, Brigittine, Carmelite, Carthusian, Dominican, Franciscan/ Clarissan, Newer Orders, Modern Communities, Anglican, Modern Contemplative Theology, Liturgy/Catechism/Magisterium || Medieval Studies, Women in Middle Ages, Beguine, Anchoress, Hermit, Julian of Norwich, Oblates of Santa Francesca Romana, Pilgrimage, Lollard, Quaker, etc., Religions
GIMEL=Classics, Greek, Latin, Medieval Latin, Modern Languages: French, Provencal, Italian, || Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dictionaries || Grammars, Handbooks on Style || Florence's Political Theologians: Don Giulio Facibeni, Giorgio La Pira, Fioretta Mazzei, Pietro Parigi, Don Lorenzo Milani, Giannozzo Pucci, Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana || MLA International Bibliography
DALETH=Icelandic and British Literature: Icelandic, Old English, Welsh, Arthurian, Anglo-Norman, Middle English, Drama, Chaucer, Langland, Pearl, Renaissance, Seventeenth Century, Eighteenth Century, Blake, Memoirs and Letters, Short Story, Novel
HE=Twentieth Century Literature, Poetry, Trauma, Women, Australian, Black, Native American, Holocaust || Nineteenth Century Literature, keyed to tombs in "English" Cemetery, Florence [shelved in this order, though catalogued chronologically], Criticism
VAU=Firenze, Music, Glorney Bolton, Eileen Bolton, Julia Bolton Holloway publications
ZAYIN=Toscana, Italy, Travel, Art History, Codicology/ Paleography, Handcrafts
KHETH=Electronic and Microform Library, e-books on-line, CDs in library, microfilms of medieval and nineteenth-century manuscripts, slides, etc.
TET=Offprints, Journals, etc
TAU=English Cemetery




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was a website dedicated to Romanian Roma families and culture and language preservation who come to Florence. It is hosted by the Associația 'Agrustic Somnacuni' ('Golden Ring' in the Romany language) in Romania and its sister Aureo Anello ('Golden Ring' in Italian) Associazione which supports the Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' and the Cimitero 'degli Inglesi' ('English' Cemetery) in Florence. It is now part of https://www.umilta.net


Weblog on Florence's Swiss-owned 'English' Cemetery and its Petition to UNESCO to save it from closure, abandonment

Godfriends Discussion List, later posted as Weblog at http://monatessa.blogspot.com

Publishing House: Editrice 'Aureo Anello'/ Aureo Anello Books and CDs:

Talking Books on the Florin Website:

DANTE ALIGHIERI, LA COMMEDIA File audio e testo in italiano:

Inferno I, Inferno II, Inferno III, Inferno IV, Inferno V, Inferno VI, Inferno VII, Inferno VIII, Inferno IX, Inferno X, Inferno XI, Inferno XII, Inferno XIII, Inferno XIV, Inferno XV, Inferno XVI, Inferno XVII, Inferno XVIII, Inferno XIX, Inferno XX, Inferno XXI, Inferno XXII, Inferno XXIII, Inferno XXIV, Inferno XXV, Inferno XXVI, Inferno XXVIIInferno XXVIII, Inferno XXIX, Inferno XXX, Inferno XXXI, Inferno XXXII, Inferno XXXIII, Inferno XXXIV 

Purgatorio I, Purgatorio II, Purgatorio III, Purgatorio IV, Purgatorio V, Purgatorio VI, Purgatorio VII, Purgatorio VIII, Purgatorio IX, Purgatorio X, Purgatorio XI, Purgatorio XII, Purgatorio XIII, Purgatorio XIV, Purgatorio XV, Purgatorio XVI, Purgatorio XVII, Purgatorio XVIII, Purgatorio XIX, Purgatorio XX, Purgatorio XXI, Purgatorio XXII, Purgatorio XXIII, Purgatorio XXIV, Purgatorio XXV, Purgatorio XXVI, Purgatorio XXVII, Purgatorio XXVIII, Purgatorio XXIX, Purgatorio XXX, Purgatorio XXXI, Purgatorio XXXII, Purgatorio XXXIII

Paradiso I, Paradiso II, Paradiso III, Paradiso IV, Paradiso V, Paradiso VI, Paradiso VII, Paradiso VIII, Paradiso IX, Paradiso X, Paradiso XI, Paradiso XII, Paradiso XIII, Paradiso XIV, Paradiso XV, Paradiso XVI, Paradiso XVII, Paradiso XVIII, Paradiso XIX, Paradiso XX, Paradiso XXI, Paradiso XXII, Paradiso XXIII, Paradiso XXIV, Paradiso XXV, Paradiso XXVI, Paradiso XXVII, Paradiso XXVIII, Paradiso XXIX, Paradiso XXX, Paradiso XXXI, Paradiso XXXII, Paradiso XXXIII

Carlo Poli was born in the Mugello, where Giotto was born. He dedicated the final years of his life to reciting and recording Dante.

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(See 'Paideia Dantesca' essay, italiano, where this recording project was dreamed of)

JBH Voice Recording of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Lady Geraldine's Courtship
JBH Voice Recordings of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnets and Ballad: 1. 'Hiram Powers' 'Greek Slave', Sonnets from the Portuguese, 2, 3, 4,
The Runaway Slave at Pilbrims' Point, 5.
JBH. Voice Recording Casa Guidi Windows, Florence, 1851 edition
Voice Recording in Portuguese, Sonetos Portugueses II This was recorded by Roderigo Araes Caldas Farias who came with his wife from Brazil with their printout of this website to visit Elizabeth's tomb. We collect translations of the Sonnets from the Portuguese in our library, now having these in Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, as well as Portuguese.
JBH Voice Recording of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Casa Guidi Windows I, Casa Guidi Windows II
JBH Voice Recording of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's nine book epic poem, Aurora Leigh, Book I, Book II, Book III, Book IV, Book V, Book VI, Book VII, Book VIII, Book IX
JBH Voice Recording of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Extracts, on Florence, 1. Preface, 2. Casa Guidi Windows, 3. Aurora Leigh & political poems to accompany 'Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Florence', ebbflor1, ebbflor2, ebbflor3 and Map of Florence.
JBH Voice Recording of 'An Old Yellow Book: The Death and Burial of E.B.B., The Documents in the Case' I and II with Powerpoint slides illustrating the same
JBH Voice Recording of Walter Savage Landor, Gebir I, Gebir II
JBH Voice Recording of Arthur Hugh Clough, Amours de Voyage

Talking Books on the Umilta Website:

JBH Voice Recording of Westminster Manuscript Julian of Norwich, Showing of Love: Julian1.mp3, Julian2.mp3, Julian3.mp3
JBH Voice Recording of The Soul a City: Julian and Margery
JBH Voice Recording of Julian of Norwich, The Lord and the Servant

JBH Voice Recording Julian on Prayer
JBH Voice Recording of Martin Buber's Julian of Norwich
Song Recording of Lydia McCauley, Sabbath Day's Journey: 'And All Shall Be Well'
JBH Voice Recording of Thomas Gascoigne's Life of St Birgitta
at birgitvita.mp3
JBH Voice Recording of Quaker John Woolman, Plea for the Poor: Woolman1.mp3, Woolman2.mp3, Woolman3.mp3, Woolman4.mp3
JBH Voice Recording of Augustine, Confessions XI
Recording of Ambrosian Chant,
'Deus Creator Omnium', heard by Augustine in Milan
JBH Voice Recording of Augustine, Boethius, Dionysius, Dante: Julian's Mystical Philosophy at augmyst.mp3
JBH Voice Recording of Poems Pennyeach at poemspennyeach.mp3
Song and Voice Recording of Hedera, who is Rom from Romania, singing 'Alleluia'

Re-call HTML page in your browser, after reducing MP3 file, this continuing to play as background to the seen text. It is even possible to call up multiple audio files listening to these simultaneously, pasrticularly Ambrose's 'Deus Creator Omnium', with Augustine's Confessions XI.

NEWEST: VIRTUAL LIBRARY OF CHAUCERIAN AND OTHER MEDIEVAL TEXTS: ♫=Scribal/Oral Texts, to be seen and heard simultaneously:
Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, The General Prologue, The Knight's Tale, The Miller's Tale, The Cook's Tale, The Man of Law's Tale, The Clerk's Tale, The Merchant's Tale, The Squire's Tale, The Wife of Bath's Prologue, The Wife of Bath's Tale, The Franklin's Tale, The Physician's Tale,  The Pardoner's Tale,The Shipman's Tale, The Prioress' Tale, Chaucer's Tales, of Sir Thopas, of Melibee, The Monk's Tales,The Nuns' Priest's Tale, The Second Nun's Tale, The Canon Yeoman's Tale, The Manciple's Tale, The Parson's Sermon Chaucer's Retraction, e.e. cummings, The Canterbury Tales, The Book of the Duchess, The Parlement of Fowls, The House of Fame, Troilus and Criseyde, The Legend of Good Women The Tretisse on the Astrolabe, 'Ballade to Truth', etc., in Middle English
Alliterative Poetry: Anonymous,
Wynnere and Wastoure, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, St Erkenwald in Middle English; William Langland, Piers the Ploughman, in Middle English;
Contemplatives in Prose:
Julian of Norwich,
Showing of Love, in Modern English translation; Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe, in Middle English; William Flete, Remedies against Temptations, in Middle English, in Italian; John Whiterig, Contemplations, in Latin and Modern English; Jan van Ruusbroec, Sparkling Stone, in Middle English; Cloud Author, Deonise Hid Deuinite; Richard Methley, Epistle to Hew Heremyte; Walter Hilton, Parable of the Pilgrim, ME, Walter Hilton and Augustine Baker, The Parable of the Pilgrim, ModE; John Milton, William Blake, Morning of Christ's Nativity
Other Medieval Texts: In French with English,
Aucassin e Nicolete, in French with Italian, Aucassin e Nicoletta; Christine de Pizan, Le Chemin de Lonc Estudes/ Il Cammin di Lungo Studio; in French and Italian; Dante, La Commedia, in Italian; St Birgitta of Sweden, Revelationes, in Latin.

E-Books on Umilta and Florin Websites:

Sweet New Style: Essays on Brunetto Latino, Dante Alighieri and Geoffrey Chaucer English  Contents:

Brunetto Latino and Dante Alighieri:
I Bankers and Their Books: Italian Manuscripts in French Exile
II Brown Ink, Red Blood: Brunetto Latino and the Sicilian Vespers
III The Vita Nuova's Pilgrimage Paradigms
IV Stealing Hercules' Club: Inferno XXV's Metamorphoses
Geoffrey Chaucer:
V Black and Red Letter Chaucer
VI Fact and Fiction: Women in Love
VII Convents, Courts and Colleges
VIII The Tomb of the Duchess Alice
Epilogue: Attica State Prison, Boethius the Exile, Dante the Pilgrim
See also Brunetto Latino, Il Tesoretto, Li Livre dou Tresor, La Rettorica

and Le Opere di Brunetto Latino, Maestro di Dante Alighieri MLA Scholarly Edition

Other E-Books our Virtual Library publishes on line on Umilta and Florin Websites:

The Julian of Norwich Library Project:
Latin with Laughter: Terence through Time Latin and English
Miriam and Aaron: The Bible and Women In Progress
Benedict's Rule Latin
Gregory's Dialogue II Latin
Birgitta of Sweden, Revelationes Latin
Equally in God's Image: Women in the Middle Ages
A Benedictine Nun in Exile, Colections
Jarena Lee, Her Call to Preach the Gospel
Rose Lloyds, An English Rose

The Brunetto Latino Project:
Brunetto Latino, Il Tesoretto Italian and English
Brunetto Latino, La Rettorica Italian
Sweet New Style: Brunetto Latino, Dante Alighieri, Geoffrey Chaucer
Aucassin and Nicolete French and English

Florence in Sepia Project:
Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Florence Italian and English
Susan and Joanna Horner, Walks in Florence, transcribed, Carolyn Carpenter
Sophia Peabody Hawthorne, 'Florence', from Notes in Italy
Augustus J.C. Hare, Florence
Florence in Sepia
The Sculptors in Florence's English Cemetery, Including Hiram Powers

Books in Stock, Donations Benefit Florence's 'English' Cemetery:

Brunetto Latini: An Analytic Bibliography. London: Grant and Cutler , 1986. Research Bibliographies and Checklists. Ed. Alan Deyermond. 153 pp. Reviewed: Italian Studies; Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie; Les Lettres Romanes; Romanische Forschungen. ISBN 0-7293-0216-4 or 84-599-1681-2. Obtainable from Editrice 'Aureo Anello'

The Pilgrim and the Book: A Study of Dante, Langland and Chaucer. Third, revised, edition, 1993. xxii + 303 pp. Reviewed: Studies in the Age of Chaucer; Annali d'Italianistica; Speculum; Journal of Medieval Studies; Medium Aevum. ISBN 0-8204-2090-5. Obtainable from Editrice 'Aureo Anello'

Twice-Told Tales: Brunetto Latino and Dante Alighieri. 1993. xiv + 552 pp. Reviewed: Speculum; Parergon; Annali italianistica. ISBN 0-8204-1954-0. Obtainable from Editrice 'Aureo Anello'

Julian of Norwich. Showing of Love: Extant Texts and Translation. Edited. Sister Anna Maria Reynolds, C.P. and Julia Bolton Holloway. Florence: SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2001. Biblioteche e Archivi 8. XIV + 848 pp. ISBN 88-8450-095-8. Obtainable from Editrice 'Aureo Anello'

Handbound Limited Editions, set in William Morris typeface (6). Order from Editrice 'Aureo Anello':

Julian of Norwich. Showing of Love, Westminster Manuscript. Florence: Editrice "Aureo Anello", 2003

Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Sonnets and Ballad. Florence: Editrice "Aureo Anello", 2004

Julian on Prayer. Florence: Editrice "Aureo Anello", 2004

Julia Bolton Holloway. Poems Pennyeach/ Poesie da un Penny. Florence: Editrice "Aureo Anello", 2007

Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu and Vandana Culea. Romany Vocabulary.
Florence: Editrice "Aureo Anello", 2008

Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Casa Guidi Windows/ Le Finestre di Casa Guidi. Florence, 1851, Florence: Editrice "Aureo Anello", 2011

'Colections' by an English Nun in Exile: Bibliothèque Mazarine 1202. Ed. Julia Bolton Holloway, Hermit of the Holy Family. Analecta Cartusiana 119:26. Eds. James Hogg, Alain Girard, Daniel Le Blévec. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 2006. Obtainable from Editrice 'Aureo Anello'

Anchoress and Cardinal: Julian of Norwich and Adam Easton, OSB. Analecta Cartusiana 35:20 Spiritualität Heute und Gestern. Eds. James Hogg, Alain Girard, Daniel Le Blévec. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 2008. Obtainable from Editrice 'Aureo Anello'

Il pellegrino e il libro: Uno studio su Dante Alighieri. De strata francigena 20/1 (2012). Firenze: Centro Studi Romei.

Julian among the Books: Julian of Norwich's Theological Library. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. xxi + 328 pp. VII Plates, 59 Figures. ISBN (10): 1-4438-8894-X, ISBN (13) 978-1-4438-8894-3.

Mary's Dowry; An Anthology of Pilgrim and Contemplative Writings/ La Dote di Maria: Antologie di Testi di Pellegrine e Contemplativi. Traduzione di Gabriella Del Lungo Camiciotto. Testo a fronte, inglese/italiano. Analecta Cartusiana 35:21 Spiritualität Heute und Gestern. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 2017. ISBN 978-3-903185-07-4. ix + 484 pp.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Casa Guidi Windows/Le Finestre di Casa Guidi. Traduzione di Rosalynd Pio. Testa a fronte, inglese/italiano. Firenze: Aureo Anello Books, 2017.

Christine de Pizan/ Cristina da Pizzano. Le Chemin de Longs Etudes/ Il Cammin di Lungo Studio. Traduzione di Ester Zago. Testo a fronte, francese/italiano. De Strata Francigena. A cura di Renato Stopani. Firenze: Centro Studi Romei, 2017. v + 128 pp.

Il Cimitero Evangelico Svizzero a Firenze. Firenze: Editrice Aureo Anello, 2020.

White Silence/Bianco Silenzio. Firenze: Editrice Aureo Anello, 2020. DVD.

Le Opere di Brunetto Latino. Firenze: Editrice Aureo Anello, 2020. DVD. MLA Scholarly Edition


2020- Founder, Academia Bessarion
2010-2012 Professor, Florence University of the Arts

2006- Publisher, Editrice 'Aureo Anello'
2003- Presidente, 'Aureo Anello'. Associazione, Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' e Amici del Cimitero 'degli Inglesi'
2001- Presidente, Associazione Culturale Biblioteca e Bottega 'Fioretta Mazzei'
2000- Director, Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei',
2000- Custode, Cimitero Porta a' Pinti detto 'degli Inglesi', Piazzale Donatello, 38, Florence

1996- Hermit of the Holy Family, Montebeni, Fiesole, Italy
1995-1996 Hermit of the Holy Family, Holmhurst, Sussex, England
1994- Editor, Director, The Julian of Norwich Project (Website, Portfolio, Edition); Webmaster: Julian of Norwich, Showing of Love, Texts and Contexts Website ; St Birgitta of Sweden Website , Computer of Wisdom Website ; Oliveleaf Website ; Miriam and Aaron: The Bible and Women Website ; Anglo-Italian Website ; Florin Website ; List Owner: Godfriends List, Festschrift Bibliography, Modern Language Association of America, etc.
1993-96 Acting Librarian, Holmhurst St Mary, Sussex, England
1992-95 Novice, Community of the Holy Family, Sussex, England
1992- Professor Emerita
1992 Professor, Medieval Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder
1991 Visiting Assoc. Professor, English, Southern Methodist University
1988-92 Director, Medieval Studies Program, University of Colorado
1987-92 Associate Professor, University of Colorado
1987-88 Acting Curator, Casa Guidi, Florence, Browning Institute
1987 Visiting Asst. Professor, English, Southern Methodist University
1984-86 Chair, Committee on Medieval Studies, University of Colorado
1983-1986, Board of Directors, Colorado Endowment for the Humanities

1982 Coordinator, Humanities Program, University of Colorado
1982-87 Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature, University of Colorado
1981-87 Assistant Professor, Humanities, Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Colorado
1975-1981 Member, Peace Committee, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends

1974-81 Assistant Professor, English, Princeton University
1974-76 Associate Master, Princeton Inn, Princeton University
1974-75 Director, Freshman Writing, Princeton University
1973-74 Coordinator, Humanities Program, Quincy College, Illinois
1971-74 Assistant Professor, English, Quincy College
1967-71 Teaching Assistant, Speech, English, University of California, Berkeley
1966-67 Teacher, Peninsular Jewish Community Center, Belmont
1963-67 Teacher, The Carey School, San Mateo
1959-60 File Clerk, Claims Accounting, Standard Accident
1957-58 Teacher, Anderson Valley High School, Mendocino
1955-56 Teacher, Unitarian Church, San Jose
1954 Camp Counselor, Girl Scouts, Two Sentinels

University Committee Membership: Faculty Advisor, Black Student Organization, Quincy College, 1972-1973; Faculty Advisor, Princeton Hunger Action, 1974-1981; Board of Directors, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, 1981-1986; Curriculum Committee; Program Review Self Study; Chair, Graduate Committee on Medieval Studies; Member, Boulder Faculty Assembly; BFA Minority Affairs Committee; Liaison, Women's Committee; Task Force, Faculty Compensation; Faculty Advisor, IHEAR.

Professional, National, State, Community Membership: Princeton Monthly Meeting, Clerk, Peace Committee, 1975-1981; Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, Peace Committee, 1975-1981, Clerk, Policy and Legislation Subcommittee, 1979-1981, Member, Quaker Delegation to Heads of State, 1980; Board Member, New Jersey College English Association, 1980-1981; Board Member, Colorado Endowment for the Humanities, 1983-1986; Chair, CEH Program Development Committee, 1985-1986; Board Member, Medieval Academy TEAMS Committee, 1984, Chair, Pedagogy of Paleography Project, TEAMS, 1984-1990; Vice Chair, Colorado Women's Agenda, 1987-89; Member, Medieval Academy of America (Life), Dante Society of America (Life), Early English Text Society, Brontë Society (Life), British Institute of Florence, Modern Language Association (Life), Friends of the Sir Harold Acton Library, British Institute of Florence; Presidente, Aureo Anello Associazione, Biblioteca e Bottega Fioretta Mazzei e Amici del Cimitero 'degli Inglesi', The Browning Society, Friends of Casa Guidi, SDIAF (Sistema Documentazione Integrato dell'Area Fiorentina), ASCE (Association of Significant Cemeteries); SISMEL (Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino, Life); Società Dantesca Italiana, Companion of the Guild of St George, The Trollope Society, George Eliot Fellowship.

Courses, Seminars, Programs: University of California, Berkeley; Quincy University, Illinois; Princeton University, New Jersey; University of Colorado, Boulder; University of Chicago, Illinois; Southern Methodist University, Dallas; Florence University of the Arts.

Seminars, Precepts: Medieval Pilgrimage and Literature; Women in the Middle Ages; Dante and Joyce; Blake, Poetry, Prophecy and Iconography; Backgrounds, English Literature; Penelope/Ulysses; Richard II; Medieval Latin; Spenser; Terence through Time; Medieval Liturgical Drama.

Lecture Courses: Chaucer; Dante and Chaucer; Shakespeare; World of Middle Ages; Medieval Women; Medieval English Literature; Pilgrimage; Chivalry; Russian Literature; World Literature; Problems in World Hunger; Humanities; Freshman Composition; History of Christianity.

Programs Directed: Initiated, Coordinated

Humanities Program, Quincy College, 1973-1974; Directed Freshman Composition, Princeton University, 1974-1975; Initiated, participated, Problems in World Hunger, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, 1975; Coordinated Humanities Program, University of Colorado, Fall, 1982; Chair, Graduate Committee on Medieval Studies, 1984-86; Director, Medieval Studies Program, 1988-92, Founder, City and Book International Conferences, 2001, Founder Academia Bessarion, 2020.

Academia Bessarion: Series of Discussions held internationally on Zoom, first Tuesdays of each month since Covid19, also available in Italian.

Honours, Awards, Grants

Royal Drawing Society Prizes, Honourrs, 1951, 1952
Grand Concours: Reines de France, England, 1953

Phelan Literary Awards, San Jose, California, 1955, 1956
Pegasus, creative writing society, membership, 1955

General Scholarship Award, San Jose, 1956
Phi Kappa Phi membership, 1956

Shakespeare Festival Scholarship, San Jose, 1957
Newhouse Foundation Grant, Berkeley, 1966
Teaching Assistantships, Speech, English, Berkeley, 1967-1971
Merit Teaching Award, Quincy, Illinois, 1973
NEH Summer Seminar, Princeton, New Jersey, 1973
Surdna Foundation Grant, Princeton, 1975
NEH Summer Stipend, Florence, Italy, 1983
Guggenheim Nomination, 1983
Art of Peace Prize, 1983

Teaching Award Nomination, SOAR/AMOCO, Boulder, Colorado, 1986
Governor's Award, Outstanding Contribution to Humanities, Colorado, 1986
AAUW American Founders' Fellowship, Florence, Italy, 1987-88
Teaching Award Nomination, BFA, Boulder, 1990
Presidential Teaching Scholar Award Nomination, Boulder, 1991
Professor Emerita, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1992
Numerous Travel, Research Grants, Princeton, Boulder, Colorado, 1972-92
Florence, City and Book I and II, May/ June 2001, September 2002, Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze
Centro Francescano Internazionale di Studi per il dialogo fra i popolo, Prize for Peace, 2015
Progetto Agata Smeralda, 2015-
Premio Niccolò Stenone, Basilica di San Lorenzo, 2018
'Dalle tombe alle culle', Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio, Firenze, 2018, 2020


Companion of John Ruskin's Guild of Saint George, 2019
XXXII Premio Internazionale “San Francesco e Chiara d’Assisi” per il Dialogo fra i Popoli e le loro Culture, Centro Francescano Internazionale di Studi per il Dialogo fra il Popolo 2/10/2024


Professor Emeritus John V. Fleming, English, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544
Professor Tore Nyberg, Center fur Historie, Odense Universitet, Campusvej 55 DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark 
Sir Christopher Ricks, English, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215
Professor Quentin Skinner, Humanities, Queen Mary, University of London, England

Interests: Textual Editing, Publishing, Julian of Norwich, Birgitta of Sweden, Dante Alighieri, Brunetto Latino, Geoffrey Chaucer, William Langland, The Gawain/Pearl Poet, Medieval Manuscripts, Paleography, Illuminations, Theology, Hebrew Scriptures, Greek Testament, Monasticism, Ecumenicism, Hagiography, Quakerism, Friends of God, Contemplation, Work, Study, Prayer, Women's Communities, Women Writing, Pilgrimage, Jerusalem, Italy, Books, Libraries, Publishing, Oxford Movement, Ireland, James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Umiltà of Faenza, Friends of God Movement, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Women of the Risorgimento, Carpentry, Bookbinding, Paper Marbling, Librarianship, Libraries, Painting, Embroidery, Textiles, Restoration, Garden Restoration, Museums, Cemeteries, Genealogical Research, Museum Conservation, Website Designing, Trauma Healing.

Florence's 'English' Cemetery, at Tomb of Arnold Savage Landor


New: Opere Brunetto Latino || Dante vivo || White Silence


To donate to the restoration by Roma of Florence's formerly abandoned English Cemetery and to its Library click on our Aureo Anello Associazione's PayPal button: